Sonic Solutions is pleased to present to you a sound pack for your FA/18 fighter jet for FSX and Prepar3D. Recorded from the real aircraft during Maple Flag Operations in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. This sound pack is expertly edited, mixed, mastered and implemented by award winning sound designer Vance Dylan.
Don't be fooled by sound packs that are for both FSX and FS9 as you're missing out on some of the great features that sound cone technology offers. Rather than try and money grab as many customers using a “one size all” approach, Sonic Solutions sound designs in FSX and Prepar3D using many layers of audio to generate a rich audio experience that never tires.
Features Include:
Suitable for any F18 in FSX & Prepar3D
Includes AI sounds for multiplayer and AI traffic
48k/16 bit Audio Resolution
Start up & Shutdown sequences
Randomizing tire touches
Randomizing crash sounds for land and water
Gear, Flaps, Wingfold & Hook Sounds
Canopy open & close sounds
Ground roll sounds.
All original and authentic FA/18 sounds.
Mutliple layers and sound cones provide a great dynamic mix.