The Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing is an American biplane with an atypical negative wing stagger (the lower wing is farther forward than the upper wing), that first flew in 1932.
At the height of the Great Depression, aircraft executive Walter H. Beech and airplane designer T. A. "Ted" Wells joined forces to collaborate on a project to produce a large, powerful, and fast cabin biplane built specifically for the business executive. The Beechcraft Model 17, popularly known as the "Staggerwing" was first flown on November 4, 1932. During its heyday it was used as an executive aircraft, much as the private jet is now, and its primary competition were the Waco Custom Cabin and Waco Standard Cabin series of biplanes.
The Model 17's unusual negative stagger wing configuration (the upper wing staggered behind the lower) and unique shape maximized pilot visibility while negligibly reducing interference between the wings.
Innen ist der Sound gut. Außen nur im Standgas, bei höheren Drehzahlen hört man bereits den Mikimauseffekt was absolut unnatürlich klingt. Irgendwie haben die manchmal was mit den Ohren, oder hoffen das wir was damit haben. Leute wir sind hier nicht bei X-plane!!! Huhuuuu aufwachen Synchrosoft!!!! Dies ist FSX!!! Schon mal was davon gehört? Man wenn ihr keinen passenden Sound habt, dann müsst ihr euch eben einen basteln, und nicht so'n halben Kram hinterlassen.
Deswegen haben die auch keinen Vorbeiflug im Video, weil das total Sch..... klingt.