Cover the whole of Scotland; High resolution data has been used to shape Scotland into Msfs with the compile set on a resolution of 10 M. A beautiful and natural country this area benefit of a well defined terrain. There is lot to see with sudden weather change flights are guaranteed to be entertaining either on the passenger side or in the cockpit. All Major airports in the country are protected by an exclude area to block the new terrain creating bumps on aprons, runways; to ensure compatibility with default airports. This new version replace the Scotland 15 m dem scenery; includes: higher resolution terrain at 10 m; all airports now void of bumps or runways deformations; fixed terracing effect.
Version 1.1 - Improved performance to fix stutters after World Update 7.
I got the 10m mesh after I purchased the 15m which was in some part leaving a few hills and bens in wave form like ripples on the water. This 10 meter mesh removes it entirely and adds even more detail shape to the ground terrain. Of course, also this mesh can't make satellite imagery better where there aren't any good ones. Best example Ben Lomond, which is in bing or google absolutely rubbish. Not the meshes fault, it enhances the terrain slightly. Everywhere else you gain more detail which looks fantastic in 8KX.
Worth the purchase. Recommended.
Hello all,
is the 10mDEM good for Scotland? Yes in any case. There are a very few spikes in the east at KBYR airport. Other than that, it's turned out really well. Sharp ridges and peaks. It looks very real. No popping of textures, so no morphing. As with all meshes, please note that your PC should be powerful. If you only fly IFR, you don't need this. Super for helicopter flights and VFR.
A request to the developer: Please remove the spikes mentioned above. Then the mesh is also worth 5 stars.