Cover the whole of Singapore and Malaysia; High resolution data has been used to shape Singapore and Malaysia into Msfs on a resolution of 10 M. All Major airports in the country are protected by an exclude area to block the new terrain creating bumps on aprons, runways; to ensure compatibility with default airports. This package add elevation points to the terrain by building a more detailed mesh; each place where the lines intersect has a specified altitude and from this data the simulator draws all mountains, hills and valleys that you see.
After flying the Malaysian part of the Malaysian Peninsula, I can report that this package makes the mountains look great. The lowlands no longer randomly undulate, and both the flowing water and water bodies align well with this DEM. Only the cities still suffer from random lumps and spikes, hence my awarding only four stars, though I can understand why the author might avoid cities, as they have done with the airport. Performance was also excellent; I didn't notice any drop in frame rate.
I highly recommend this package as it is a massive improvement over the default mesh.
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