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Is an international airport in Doha, the capital of Qatar. Formerly known as New Doha International Airport (NDIA), Hamad International Airport was originally slated to replace the old Doha International Airport as Qatar's only international airport in 2009, but after a series of costly delays, the airport finally opened on April 30, 2014 with a ceremonial Qatar Airways flight landing from Doha International Airport. National carrier Qatar Airways, and all other carriers formally relocated to the new airport on May 27, 2014


  • Custom Ground Textures
  • Carefully detailed 3d objects
  • Full detail Buildings
  • Realistic Ground Markings
  • Numerous static objects
  • Fencing
  • Realistic ground textures
  • Night ilumination
  • 3D Terminal interior
  • City of Doha
  • Much more…

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FS2004 (9.1)


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Hallo Uwe, finde die Scenery auch Super und bedanke mich bei meinem Vorredner für den Kombi Tip mit Fabio Ferraris Photoreal Doha nur habe ich eine kleine Frage muss man in Kombi mit der Freeware von Fabio Ferrari irgendwelche bgl Dateien der Freeware deaktivieren? Den fünften Stern gebe ich dafür das diese Scenery für FS9/FS2004 erschienen ist! Ist ja dieser Tage leider eher selten ist das ein Developer FS9/FS2004 noch unterstützt weiter so! :) Liebe Grüße, Thomas
thank you Taxi2Gate for continuing to support FS2004 users with beautiful airport. i could not believe that so detail they make. but just a few thing i might expect or suggest for Taxi2gate there re no ground vehicle at the airport no ai traffic at all. it took me ages to change all the ai traffic perhaps add few more building outside the airport. i would not said not perfect but it seem a little empty outside the airport. i could see few part of building i hope this suggestion could make an update. thanks once again


I just purchased OTHH for FS9 and I am here to tell you....BUY IT! Unbelievable realism and quality was put into OTHH. Taxi2Gate has done it again with another 5 star winner!!!!


This is scenery is FlyTampa quality. I don't know think that group could do better. I appreciate that Taxi2gate is still supporting FS2004 and the price is well worth it with the quality of the scenery they are releasing. It is always nice when a scenery group creates a skyline to go along with the airport. It is great to land and pan to the side to see the city day or night just before landing. I know that this group has not yet released a FS2004 version for the Istanbul airport, but if they do, Ill buy it to go along with all of the other FS2004 sceneries I have purchased from them. My machine will support FSX however I did not like FSX and decided to go back to fs2004. TAXI2GATE Group,,,THANK YOU for this stunning FS2004 scenery from a part of the world I'm sure has not been represented in this capacity before.!!!! Philip


Review of the New Doha International Airport (OTHH) for FS9 by TAXI2GATE. Review system - E5400 Dual Core CPU, 2GB Dual Channel DDR RAM, 1TB 7200rpm main hard disk, NVidia 8800GTS 2GB Graphics card using FS9.1 on a Windows XP Pro SP3 OS. Time spent examing the product - three hours. Firstly, thank you Taxi2Gate for continuing to support FS2004 users with your quality work! And yes, whilst this scenery might appear to be smaller and less of a detailed offering than their last ORLANDO KMCO product, it is still a wonderful piece of work to provide a complete, fully detailed airport scenery of an almost brand new International Airport in a country many people know practically nothing about! Construction began on the real world New Doha International Airport in 2005 but the airport was only fully opened this year (2014), with airlines moving over from the old Doha Airport (OTBD) in May 2014. Installation - This scenery product comes in a standard download and is installed by running the scenery EXE install file contained within. The product installs effortlessly into the default FS2004 install location (C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR 9\) but the install can be re-directed to a different location if you have FS installed elsewhere. Note that unlike the previous ORLANDO KMCO product mentioned above, there is NO MANUAL included with the release of this scenery. When firing up New Doha International Airport for the first time in FS9, my impression of the place generally is that it is excellent. I find a really nice airport, complete in almost every detail. The scenery does lack the depth of the KMCO product in that little or no photo-scenery or landclass additions seem to have been included, (unlike in the FSX version) but what it lacks in this area is more than made up for by the sheer quality of the texturing work on the airport itself. Runways, taxiways and aprons are highly detailed with skid marks and oil marks all over the place. This really gives a sense of reality about the ramp generally. Add to this, the main Terminal area is constructed to a very high standard with gates and jetways, signage and ground markings, all highly detailed. The terminal features a see-through glass effect with passengers visible inside. You really need to sit on the apron and just take in the sheer classy way it all looks! The thing that does it for me is the shading and shadow work which really makes the place come alive. I taxied around the whole airport looking at even the smallest buildings and roadways - the same detailed work can be found everywhere. I must say that I also admire the way the desert sand is displayed within the airport environment as well. Outside of the airport, the famous PEARL landmass is there and some buildings have been included, but it is a rather simplified piece of scenery and serves perhaps as a landmark only which can be seen on the approach to runway 16R. The city of Doha and its high rise buildings have been included and they are of a slightly better visual quality and sit on a more detailed area of land, but the area outside the airport, overall, is not detailed to the same high standard as the airport itself. You can perhaps forgive them for this since the product was released quickly to get it to market and perhaps updates such as those I mention here, could be added later. Nevertheless, make no mistake - you get an entire new airport, which is miles better than the default and in my opinion, much better than anything else available currently. Additionally, the airport is very well lit during the darkness hours and you should see the place at dawn, dusk or at night. The taxiway lighting is nice to see and the bulbs, part of the edge lighting, are very detailed. Taxiway signage around the airport is awesome and even the signs are shadow textured, giving them a certain rustiness! Improvements? Well, I would have liked to see a MANUAL of some kind, as there was with the ORLANDO KMCO product. And it would also have been nice to see some static aircraft and some moving vehicles, especially as the quality of the roadwork is so good. Have a close look at the multi-lane roadway leading up to the Terminal forecourt - complete with road signs above the lanes! Although the airport does have hundreds of static vehicles and objects all over the place from baggage trucks to aircraft tugs, vans and mobile stairs, it would also be nice to see some dynamic scenery. My overall impression is that, despite the lack of detailed landclass outside of the airport, this is a good quality product, released quite quickly for FS9 customers, for which we must be very grateful. Parts of it are good enough to put TAXI2GATE up there with the best of them. Whilst they will no doubt always concentrate on their FSX products and perhaps versions for P3D as well, it is to be admired that they continue to support FS2004 as a platform for their work and our enjoyment. My considered opinion is that the ORLANDO KMCO product was much better, especially the area outside of that airport being part of the work also, but I also believe that TAXI2GATE certainly have the skills to put them up there along side the greats such as FLYTAMPA and FSDreamTeam. Whether they will take the time to give FS9 customers the benefit of their extra creativity, we will have to see. Given the fact that I really wanted a decent Doha airport scenery for FS9, this product more than does it for me! TAXI2GATE are to be congratulated on yet another FS9 quality product. Lee James, West Sussex UK


Others have reported what they've found but for me this scenery is great. The city sky line is included which some developers leave out not understanding the area scenery is a whole part of the approach experience into an airport. Since discovering this country in looking up where Al Jazeera was based and seeing how amazing this city looks in comparison to Dubai I've wanted detailed scenery for this airport. The new airport is brand new meaning anyone who get's this package will have to move their AI with Traffic Tools to fly in and out of this airport. Just like Dubai this airport and it's city is a newly created modern city. This rendition is one to get. I hope they do OBBI next leaving all the major Persian Gulf airports done in detail (Kuwait City sky line needs some work though). Anyway Great scenery...


I think the scenery is very good however, not perfect. I have also noticed disappearing ground textures, which was obviously caused by incompability of this scenery and scenery of OTBD from MSK. That is a pity since MSK Doha is not so good scenery on one hand; on the other hand the MSK surrounding area like harbor, city centre and close islands is better than that of T2G. Another strangeness is weird OTHH AFCAD. All parking spots oriented to the big terminal are dedicated to Qatar airways only and are "Gate Medium", which I guess does not correspond with reality. All in all, the scenery is very good and I do believe that T2G will correct the small imperfections soon.


Hi Fs9 senior captains, first thing the price is very high (also without detailed city of Doha - but read below), but in 2014 you must pay to have high quality sceneries for and old but in my opinion good platform. The quality is very good, i only had problems with rectangular shadows below jetbridges, hope we get here an update. I bought and combined it with the free photoreal and autogen Doha scenery by Luca Esposito and Fabio Ferrari and i must say its a dream. You can touchdown there with a P... MD11 at 60fps and with the freeware addition it gets near the known high quality Dubai. I don't regret the high charge, it's a nice alternate destination to OMDB and it's worth.


It is great that T2G still supports the fs9. But I have very mixed feelings about this scenery. The Buildings look good and realistic. Nevertheless I have a strange feeling of something very abandoned and unfisnished. T2G charge 29 EUR for a scenery which is the same as the FSX version - but it is miles from that one. Latinvfr made TJSJ for fs9 also more simple than the FSX version but the Price were also lower. Compared to KMCO for fs9 this is also far from that regarding quality. T2G has made a lot of very nice fs9 sceneries but this one is weird and not up to todays standard. I have also an issue the bleeding ground textures that disappear from certain angles. I guess there will an update for this so it is a minor thing for me. I know that negative reviews could mean the end of fs9 sceneries for T2G. That is sad because they have a lot of potential.


Merci pour cet effort de conversion pour FS9! Modélisation splendide de l'aéroport d'Hamad, des beaux buildings pour la ville de Doha, des performances optimales! Bravo T2G! seul bémol: pas de couverture photoreal... La seule disponible en Freeware n'est pas compatible, les bâtiments se retrouvent dans l'eau...

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