FS2024 Known Issues (19/11/2024):
Several variations which have been logged as bugs with FS2020 scenery installed in FS2024 are still pending as of 19/11/2024. We are expecting these to be resolved after the official release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 by means of sim updates from Microsoft/Asobo. We have been informed that no changes should be required for compatibility with 2024, and are basing our compatibility assessment on that for the time being. The following variations may be encountered in the meantime:
Incorrect lakes / streams / pools of water (originating from the FS2024 base scenery) around the airport.
Parked AI traffic not aligned with stop bars with incorrect jetway connections.
Overexposed centre and edge taxi lights.
Reduced quality of aprons and taxiway rendering.
Some missing ground textures.
Missing custom light assets such as hold short, taxiway end and beacons.
Incorrect aircraft such as unpowered gliders taxiing around and parked at the airport.
WBGB Bintulu Airport (BTU) is located in Sarawak, on the island of Borneo, South East Asia. The end of RWY 17 is only three kilometers from the South China Sea, and six Kilometers from Bintulu City, making for some spectacular flying, especially around sunset.
The airport provides mainly Rural Air Services (RAS) within the Malaysian Borneo region, with regular flights to airports located in Peninsular Malaysia, including WMKK KLIA International Airport.
Included in our product are:
High quality custom buildings with PBR texturing.
Our in house developed Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS).
Custom animated jetways with audio and additional animation.
Ambient audio emanating from the terminal.
Custom correctly aligned ILS.
Extensive terraforming of the airfield and Pan Borneo Highway.
Highly detailed and accurate Passenger Terminal.