Turbine Sound Studios presents the mighty Airbus 380 GP7000 soundpack for FS2004. This is 1 out of 2 soundpacks in the Airbus 380 Soundpack line.
The Airbus 380 engineconfigs is :
Engine alliance GP7000 Series
Rolls Royce Trent 900 Series
The competing Rolls-Royce Trent 900 was named as the lead engine for the then-named A3XX in 1996 and was initially selected by almost all A380 customers.
However the GE/PW engine increased its share of the A380 engine market to the point where as of September 2007 it will power 47% of the super-jumbo fleet.
This disparity in sales was resolved in a single transaction, with Emirates' order of 55 GP7000-powered A380-800s, comprising over one quarter of A380 sales (as of September 2007). Emirates has traditionally been a Rolls-Royce customer. A380 aircraft powered by the GP7000s will have A380-86X model numbers as 6 is the code for Engine Alliance engines.
Ground testing of the engine began in April 2004 and the engine was run for the first time on an A380 on August 14, 2006.
The American Federal Aviation Administration certified the engine for commercial operation on January 4, 2006.
On August 25, 2006, an A380-861 test aircraft (MSN 009) made the first flight of an Engine Alliance powered A380.
The flight began and ended at Toulouse and lasted about four hours. Tests were performed on the engines' flight envelope, cruise speed, and handling.
A day earlier, the same aircraft performed rejected takeoff tests on the engines.
The Engine Alliance offers the GP7200 for the Airbus A380 passenger and freighter configurations. The GP7200 is rated at 81,500 lbf (363,000 N) of thrust. The engine is offered with two ratings appropriate for the various A380 configurations and take-off weights: GP7270 for the 560 tonne variant, and GP7277 for the 590 tonne A380-800 freighter.
Applications :
Airbus A380
General characteristics:
Type: two-spool high-bypass turbofan engine
Length: 4.74 m (187 in)
Diameter: 3.16 m (124 in), fan tip 2.95 m (116 in)
Dry weight: 6,712 kg (14,800 lb)
All enginesounds are recorded in TSS HD audioquality,few feet away from the engines of Emirates Airbus 380.
Besides the real high quality recordings of the engines, this soundpack also includes:
Custom soundcones ( FSX Feature only )
Custom Wind
Custom Gear
Custom flaps
Custom Autopilot
Custom Overspeed warning
Custom wheel rumble
Custom touchdown sounds
and ambient cockpit noise, just to bring the experience up, from within the cockpit.
PLEASE NOTE : Sound quality can be reduced in the promotion video ( Video converting )
hallo alexander,
danke für deine rezension,ich konnte auch das gleiche wahrnehmen und hätte eine frage:wie könnte ich bitte zu deinem update kommen und auch so in den hörgenuss kommen wie ihn du in moment hast? (helmut.reitmayer@chello.at)
nachträglich alles gute und gesundheit im neuen jahr
liebe grüße
Leider ist nicht überall wo HD (High Definition) draufsteht auch HD enthalten.
Mag sein das es original Audioaufnahmen von einer A380 sind, aber die Verarbeitung ist für meinen Geschmack einfach mangelhaft.
Ist man im FSX via Kopfhörer unterwegs fallen einem die Macken die dieses Produkt beinhaltet ganz besonders auf.
Es sind 73 Audiodateien enthalten, von denen ich die meisten selber nochmal für mich bearbeiten mußte, damit das Ganze nun im Project Airbus A380 (Gutes Freeware Flugzeug) auch sauber klingt.
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