The Pratt & Whitney JT8D is a low-bypass (0.96 to 1) turbofan jet engine.
It started life as a modification of the Pratt & Whitney J52 turbojet engine, which powered the US Navy A-6 Intruder attack aircraft. .
More than 14,000 JT8D engines have been produced, totaling more than one-half billion hours of service with more than 350 operators making it the most popular of all low-bypass turbofan engines ever produced.
In response to environmental concerns that began in the 1970s, the company began developing a new version of the engine which is the one we have modelled here, the JT8D-200 series. Designed to be quieter, cleaner, more efficient, yet more powerful than earlier models, the -200 Series power-plant was re-engineered with a significantly higher bypass ratio (1.74 to 1) covering the 18,500 to 21,700 pound-force (82 to 97 kN) thrust range and powering the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 series. Since entering service in 1980, more than 2,900 of the -200 series engines have been produced.
In order to present you with the best simulation possible Turbine Sound Studios has poured over hours of live recorded (by us) JT8D sounds and processed them for optimal realism.
We are personally very happy with the results and we hope you are too:
For a preview of the pack live from FS see here:
Although keep in mind the video is highly compressed so some distortion will occur.
The outside sounds are really great and realistic. Only drawback that I found was the inside sounds. No buzzing on takeoff, and loud whine at idle. It's great for flying outside.
An excellent sound package that really captures the atmosphere both in the cockpit and outside.
I really like it!
The problem I had with their CFM56-7B SOUNDPACK (Boeing 737-600/900) is now fixed through their support,- and it works perfectly. The support failure that I experienced with them was recently sorted out and solved in a very professional manner. So I give both these products and the Turbine Sound Studios team the grade they deserve: Five stars!
Glenn Ernford Lie
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