Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents the MD-11 HD Pilot Edition soundpackage for FS2004 recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is as heard from the cockpit, so engine sounds are lower in volume, and more balanced, so that the cockpit is a nice audio environment to be in.
This soundpackage includes the following :
External engine sounds
Internal engine sounds
Wind sounds
Cockpit environment sounds.
Geardown sounds.
Gearup sounds.
Real MD-11 Callout and Warning sounds
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator specifications
These sounds has been recorded in Manchester, Schipol, Billund and Copenhagen airport.
The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium- to long-range wide-body jet airliner, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and, later, by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Based on the DC-10, it features a stretched fuselage, increased wingspan with winglets, refined airfoils on the wing and smaller tailplane, new engines and increased use of composite materials. Two of its engines are mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. It also features an all-digital glass cockpit that decreases the flight deck crew from the three required on the DC-10 to two by eliminating the need for a flight engineer.
This is truly the best rendition of the MD-11`s Pratt & Whitney engines both externally and from the cockpit!
PLEASE NOTE : Sound quality can be reduced in the promotion video ( Video converting )
Da ich nach längerer Zeit die gute alte PMDG MD11 wieder für mich entdeckt habe und das Gefühl hatte, dass das Standard Soundset zwar ok, aber nicht meinen Wünschen entsprochen hat, habe ich mich zum Kauf dieses Soundsets entschieden.
Nach dem Kauf erhält man eine einfache EXE Datei, welche man nach eigenen Wünschen, an jeden möglichen Ort installieren kann.
Danach verschiebt man den entsprechenden Sound Ordner in den Aircraft Ordner der MD11 und schon kann es losgehen.
Die Sounds wirken sehr stimming auf mich und werten das Fliegen mit der PMDG MD11 nochmal deutlich auf.
Insgesamt eine deutliche Kaufempfehlung von mir!
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