Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new TSS Boeing 727 JT8D Pilot Edition version 2 soundpackage for FSX and P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This product is created specifically for the freeware Boeing 727-1/200 package for FSX and P3D.
The Boeing 727 is an American narrow-body airliner that was developed and produced by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
After the heavier 707 quad-jet was introduced in 1958, Boeing addressed the demand for shorter flight lengths from smaller airports.
On December 5, 1960, the 727 was launched with 40 orders each from United Airlines and Eastern Air Lines. The first 727-100 rolled out on November 27, 1962, first flew on February 9, 1963, and entered service with Eastern on February 1, 1964.
The 727 is one of the noisiest commercial jetliners, categorized as Stage 2 by the U.S. Noise Control Act of 1972, which mandated the gradual introduction of quieter Stage 3 aircraft. The 727's JT8D jet engines use older low-bypass turbofan technology, whereas Stage 3 aircraft use the more efficient and quieter high-bypass turbofan design.
When the Stage 3 requirement was being proposed, Boeing engineers analyzed the possibility of incorporating quieter engines on the 727.
They determined that the JT8D-200 engine could be used on the two side-mounted pylons. The JT8D-200 engines are much quieter than the original JT8D-1 through -17 variant engines that power the 727, as well as more fuel efficient due to the higher bypass ratio, but the structural changes to fit the larger-diameter engine (49.2 inches (125 cm) fan diameter in the JT8D-200 compared to 39.9 inches (101 cm) in the JT8D-1 through -17) into the fuselage at the number two engine location were prohibitive.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values.
External engine sounds.
Dynamic style distance sounds up to 2km+.
Internal engine sounds.
New layered wind sounds.
Seperate Passenger and Pilot Sound.cfg
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet P3D specifications.