Das Soundset ist keinesfalls besser als das des Originals von Capt. Sim. Während TSS wirklich atemberaubende Soundfiles anbietet, ist mir hier unbegreiflich, welch schlechte Qualität geliefert wird. Verzerrungen, deutliche Schleifen, Nebengeräusche, Pfeifen ... schrecklich. Ich kann einen Kauf daher nicht empfehlen.
First I just wanted to forget all about this soundpack. However, in respect for my fellow simmers I give a review. This package is simply terrible! Why? It is no better than default AI sound. Neither between idle and full throttle nor full reverse you will here any differnce. Internal there is a teeny-weeny difference in loudnes between idle and full throttle or reverse. And it surely doesn't sound like T56. The start and shut down sounds more like jet engines and in addition those sounds seem to "live their own lifes" compared to the modelled AC.
The CaptainSim original sound is waaay better! In fact it is rather unfair comparing the CaptainSim sound set with this terrible package.
It is sad to experience such a bad product at the flightsim market.