Welcome to London City Airport accurate and stunning FS scenery.
Welcome to London City Airport. The airport was built in the mid 1980s with the first commercial flight in 1987.
London City is used by many airlines included BA, CityJet and Swiss. It also has a business jet centre with types such as Hawker 800 and Citations.
This scenery includes detailed images of the real London City Airport, it has a high resolution 25cm base image, animation, effects, nearly all the buidlings, extremely detailed ground markings, and most of the surrounding docklands buildings.
Full detail Buildings
Realistic Ground Markings
Hi Res ground image
UK Runway markings
Stunning Night Effects
3D Approach Lights
Dozens of Airport Vehicles
Excellent Frame Rates
Animated Traffic
Runway Wigwags
Full set of signs
Static Aircraft
Manual and Options
Surrounding Docklands
Special 'Effects'
Improved runway lights
'Grass' effects
Compatible with Aerosoft’s London X for FSX and Visual flight VFR London for FS2004
Eine schöne Umsetzung des spektakulären Flughafens in den Docks von London ! Aufgrund der scharfen Modellierung und Texturierung macht es immer wieder Spaß sich an diesem schwierigen Anflugverfahren zu probieren. Auch an Animationen auf und um das Flughafen Gelände herum mangelt es nicht. Was zum Perfekten Flair jetzt eigentlich nur noch fehlt ist eine adäquate Umsetzung der 8 Mio. Einwohner- Metropole selbst !
Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!!!!!!!!
I wonder what's the point of creating a so beautiful & detailed addons and pushing them to the market when they can be practically unplayble for the average simmer? With a pretty good computer that runs the most FSX addons smoothly I had at daytime around 20-22FPS with a default heli in offline mode while staying still on the ground. This means that it should sink to 12-15FPS with an addon a/c online.
Flying there was not an easy thing. Very unstable perfomance and a bit of lag.
Don't even think to try nightime flying.I had max 10FPS with the same heli offline.
This purchase was a waste of money. I give them 2 stars only for the beautiful work.
Just buy it! It is so much better than aerosoft's London City X. AMAZING all round scenery. Works like strawberry's and cream with qualitywings also fantastic 146. Love London? Get London city Xtreme. UK2000 habe done it again! It is worth every Penney. It is fairly cheap to for the quality of the scenery!
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