Aba Hongyuan Airport is a high plateau airport located in western Sichuan, China. It's the 9th highest airport , with over 3500 meters elevation, of China. Surrounded by Hongyuan steppe, make it enjoyable to fly in such a beautiful place, also challenging because of the high altitude and terrain. It takes only 40min to fly from Chengdu to Hongyuan.
This airport has one 3600m runway, a VOR-DME equipment, and ILS on one direction. It's a naip airport which makes us impossible to access the charts. As a result we locate the navigation equipment with satellite photo from the internet. It's now possible to fly the VOR and ILS with the virtual chart in the user guide.
4K texture for most objects and ground
Realistic 3D buildings
Manual painted runway and taxi lines
Chinese style airport cars
Navigation equipments for ifr flying
Animated Jetways (Autogate by Marginal is required)