This scenery is the Silver (non seasonal) version of the 3rd part of the non-seasonal scenery "WASHINGTON – OREGON Photoreal".
Geographic area: 36,600+ – 14,131+ Sq.Miles.
Ground textures: 1mt/pixel daylight and night variation ground textures (from color corrected aerial ortho-photos imagery) – LOD15
Autogen: 5 types of vegetation, residential and industrial/commercial buildings
Public Use airports included in the area of this scenery: KORS, KBLI, KCLM, KESW, KHQM, KUIL, 2S9, 2W1, 4S6, 11S, 14S, 38W, S18, S88, S93, W04
This scenery (Part 3) together with Part 1 and Part 2 make a total of 114,000 sqkm geographic area - See the map in the screenshots gallery as a reference to the covered areas.