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Danish Airfields X – Sindal is a realistic and highly detailed rendition of Sindal Airport EKSN, the northernmost airport in Denmark, situated on the top of the Jutland peninsula between Frederikshavn at the Kattegat Sea and Hirtshals at the North Sea coast. The scenery features a 19 cm/pixel photoreal terrain with day/night and seasonal variation, uniquely modeled airport buildings, custom made farm buildings, objects, vehicles and ai traffic. The airport has been recreated in extreme details and the scenery includes many high resolution textures (2048x2048 pixels) based on hundreds of photos taken on-site by SimNord. Sindal Airport EKSN is a municipally owned airport which was established in 1977. The airport has a 1200 meter long asphalt runway. The airport is home to Sindal Flying Club which was establiched in 1985. The airport is also home to the ScanTech aircraft maintenance facility which has specialized on HawkerBeechcraft and Cessna Citation piston and turbine powered aircraft. Limitations in the P3D-versions: No hangar door animation, no animated windsock. Please note: This scenery is not compatible with FSX "Preview DirectX 10".

Please note: Commercial use of this product requires a special license. Please contact SimNord directly for commercial licenses inquiries.


  • Accurate and highly detailed rendition of Sindal Airport EKSN,CNL in northern Jutland, Denmark
  • 19 cm/pixel aerial image with day/night and seasonal variation)
  • High resolution photorealistic building textures
  • High resolution runway, taxiway and apron textures
  • Custom modeled vegetation (trees, flowers, volumetric grass)
  • Dynamic apron lightning (P3Dv4/5 only)
  • Custom modeled objects and vehicles
  • Animated hangar door (FSX, FSX:SE only)
  • Animated vehicle traffic (FSX, FSX:SE only)
  • Uniquely modeled hangars and farm buildings
  • Scenery configurator
  • Photo scenery compatible with ORBX FTX Global BASE

Mots clés


FSX, FSX:SE, P3Dv3, P3Dv4 or P3Dv5
Windows 7, 8, 10
Installation size: 1.9 GB

Download size: 588 MB


Total des Avis


Note Moyenne


5 Etoiles
4 Etoiles
3 Etoiles
2 Etoiles
1 Etoile

Richardt Raymond

Test of Sindal X Airfield Produced by VIDANdesign. Sindal airfield is a small Danish airfield located in the northern part of Jutland Denmark. The location is between Hjørring, Hirtshals and Frederikshavn. The airfield was founded back in 1976 when the 4 regions (Hirtshals, Hjørring, Frederikshavn and Sindal) formed an agreement to establish a new airport with a runway made by asphalt. Sindal is a partly manned airfield – during opening hours there is one staff member available at the control tower and outside the opening hours the airfield is an unmanned airfield within aerial class G. The runway is an 1199m long and 30m wide asphalt runway with direction 08/26 and with an elevation of 92’ (28m) AMSL. I purchased this add-on through SimMarket and the payment and download went perfectly. There was a great connection to the download server so the download was quick and went completely without any problems. The installation also went as expected, easy and quick. All I had to do was to activate the installation wizard, which by the way was very good and user friendly, and when activated the installation wizard did the rest – no need for any manual corrections. After the installation was completed I opened up my FSX folders to check that the file was placed correctly and of course it was. Then I opened up my FSX and started a flight from Sindal airfield, this just to verify that the scenery actually also was working and the installation had completed as expected – here I discovered that the scenery actually wasn’t installed correctly because the scenery that I started my flight in, was just the original default scenery. Quite strange I thought but I quickly saw that it was simply just because the scenery was not assigned to FSX in the Scenery Library. This I now did manually and hereafter everything was perfect and I was ready to enjoy this new and exciting scenery. Before I purchased this add-on scenery I visited Sindal airfield in real life, just to see how the airfield looked in real life. When I discovered that VIDANdesign was creating this scenery I thought that this was a scenery that I just had to have and to get the most out of the experience with the add-on scenery, I wanted to see the airfield with my own eyes – then it would also be easier for me to review the scenery afterwards. I set up a helicopter flight from the airfield and started my tour around the complete area. The difference between the default Sindal scenery and this VIDANdesign Sindal scenery is huge and every single building is now perfectly modeled and placed with an extreme accuracy. All building, materials, vehicles etc are all created with an eye for the details, with a great texture quality and a superb finish – and all this without it having an impact on my computers performance. One detail followed the next detail and the next detail etc and when I lifted my view furthermore I discovered that it was actually not only the airport buildings that were created but also nearby farm buildings etc which just improved my experience and the overall picture I got of this add-on. Very cool details indeed! It is very easy to see that VIDANdesign has put in a lot of energy and time to get all the buildings, vehicles and materials etc made to this very high level of perfection and VIDANdesign has succeeded 110%. Everything is extremely realistic and filled with a huge amount of details together with e perfect finish. I like the fact that VIDANdesign creates the buildings 100% as they look in real life and not just uses standard buildings from a library or similar. Everything looks to be hand-crafted which is a huge plus. This scenery is not only a static scenery, there are also included AI traffic and some animated gates for a hangar that activates when the simmer uses a specific frequency on the VOR2 radio – this also contributes to make the scenery even more complete and gave me as a simmer an extra awesome experience of this airfield. The various details are many but as examples can be mentioned signs, cars on the parking lot, roads, various ground material, grass, special marking on the buildings, crates and boxes in the hangars and also reflections in the glass door at the terminal building. Everything looks superb and when I compare this scenery with the real Sindal that I visited this summer, the resemblance was for me outstanding. This is indeed a super detailed and realistic scenery. The runway has been given a giant face lift when compared to the default version and this just improves the overall realism and completes the scenery even more. The textures used here are very realistic and combining that with the edge around the runway and the various other details as lights etc you get in total a scenery of a very high quality. The lighting at the airport is also made with an eye for the details and this for both the lights around the runway, but also lights in the terminal building, at the parking spot and at the various hangars etc. Sindal X is indeed created within the same high level of quality that you know it from e.g. the Herning X scenery and it was a truly pleasure to use and review this scenery. If you take a look at the price of this scenery you will only be surprised – actually very surprised since the Sindal X scenery costs less that 10 Euro on SimMarket and has a quality level similar to other add-on sceneries that costs 25-30 Euro. If you talk about the price versus the quality VIDANdesign could easily ask for a higher price for this very beautiful scenery in my opinion. On my helicopter tour around the scenery I also discovered that the control tower was almost completely furnished internally or that was what it looked like – and this again tells me a lot about VIDANdesign and that he really wants to get all details put into his sceneries. I could also see that the reflections in the glass doors at the terminals parking lot side, reflected persons and the other glass doors that were on the terminals other side – again a really awesome detail. Since my first flight from the Sindal X scenery I have flown from Herning X to Sindal X several times and in various aircrafts. In real life I am used to fly the Diamond HK-36 Super Dimona but the closest similar aircraft in my virtual hangar is the AeroSoft Diamond DA-20 Katana. When I do this flight it is very realistic to arrive and depart from Sindal airfield! – the scenery is excellent and completely filled with eye candy. Overall this is a very beautiful scenery that has a very high level of quality. Special made buildings with great textures, lots and lots of details and a superb finish and everything is placed with precision. Furthermore the runway is covered with realistic textures and you have grass, plants etc that all contributes to a complete scenery. Various animations and AI traffic combined with night lighting and static vehicles and material provides the simmer with an extra ordinary awesome experience and this even without it having any impact on my computers performance. I recommend other simmers to buy this add-on scenery and if you are already a fan of Danish airfields then this is a Must Have scenery – I rate this add-on with 4/5 beautiful stars and thanks VIDANdesign for contributing to the flightsim community with this great and very detailed scenery. I can’t wait to see what the next project will be. Rays Aviation

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Les add-ons pour simulateurs de vol que vous achetez sont protégés par des droits d'auteur au niveau international. Cela garantit que les droits des créateurs sont respectés et que leur travail innovant est protégé.

Pourquoi le piratage de logiciels nuit à tous

Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

Conséquences du piratage de logiciels

  • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
  • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
  • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

Comment vous pouvez aider

  1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
  2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
  3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.


€ 8.37
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Prix le plus bas sur 30 jours : € 11.16

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