The Bristol Blenheim, introduced in 1937, was a revolutionary (for the time) high-speed light bomber for the Royal Air Force. It saw heavy service in the early days of World War II, and was the one of the first British aircraft to have an all-metal stressed skin construction, retractable landing gear, powered flaps, powered gun turret, and variable pitch propellers. More than 4,400 of these aircraft were produced in a number of sub-variants, and they saw service with a number of nations’ air forces before, during, and after World War II, with the last being withdrawn from service from Finland in 1956.
For FS2004 and FSX
TWO models and SIX texture schemes
Mk.I, 44 Sqn, RAF Waddington, c.1938
Mk.I, 45 Sqn, Helwan, Egypt, c.1940
Mk.I, 1LeLv41, Finnish AF, c.1941
Mk.IV, 139 Sqn, RAF Wyton, c.1939
Mk.IV, GRB 1, Free French Forces, Fort Lamy, N Africa, c.1941
Mk.IV, A16-123, 114 Sqn, RAF Wyton, c.1939
full FSX variant includes self-shadowing, bump mapping, glass bloom
extremely high quality 'weathered' textures
highly authentic flight model with checklist
animated entry hatch, cowl flaps, bomb bay doors
each variant with own all-xml 2D panel
each variant with own virtual cockpit, mousable levers
Mk4 nose area included in v-c
high-quality simulated Mercury engine soundset included
This add-on is starting to show its age a bit, with a fairly low-res and basic, but authentic looking VC. Some instruments (eg gunsight) have a few jagged edges. Exterior textures look very good and authentic, albeit also a bit low-res. The sounds are brilliant though, and the roar of those twin radials have been extremely well done. The flight model feels very good and the plane stalls and enters a lazy spin as one would expect. Occasionally there is a bit of an abruptness to/from slow speed handling, instead of a smooth transition. But for the most part, the Blenheim handles beautifully and it is a pleasure to fly. There is an air of grace about this plane and those fly-bys are a real treat. This aircraft is like a Miss World which has aged. One can still see the beauty, and while it is not perfect anymore, there is something captivating about it. Despite its few flaws, it is one of my favorites and I just love cruising around in it.
Je ne suis pas étonné qu'il n'y ait aucun avis sur ce produit. Ils ont probablement tous été censurés comme le sera certainement celui-ci. Mais peu importe car il ne s'adresse pas aux visiteurs mais à Virtavia.
Que Virtavia ose demander 24 € pour un modèle doté d'un cockpit et d'intérieurs aussi bâclés est scandaleux ! Un développeur débutant n'oserait pas le proposer gratuitement. Fort heureusement, l'extérieur est plutôt satisfaisant en formes comme en dimensions et textures. Le modèle de vol est difficile à juger mais il paraît crédible. Et en dépit du prix demandé, il ne faut pas compter sur le moindre manuel ! Virtavia prend vraiment ses clients pour des imbéciles.
Note : peu m'importe que cet avis soit censuré, il figure exactement dans les mêmes termes sur mon site personnel, régulièrement consulté par les pilotes virtuels.