€ 22.25



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    Here at Virtualcol we have been busy behind the scenes putting all our work and effort into our New Product for 2017.

    After hard work and some sleepless nights, we present to you the CRJ SERIES PACK. Featuring all Variants 200, 700, 900 and 1000 Series. A whole range of Airlines are included for you to use or create your own with the added Painkit.

    Our Frame Rate Friendly model allows for fluid flight with Original Jet Sounds and contains a functional virtual cockpit that represents the REAL CRJ. (Not available for use in real training or real flight)


    • 4 Different Models with Virtual Cockpit
    • 2D Panel 
    • Ground Service animation
    • Panels and original gauges
    • Several Repaints
    • Original Jet Soundset

    Fully compatible with FSX SP2, FSX STEAM EDITION, PREPAR3D v1, v2 and v3 and now with a compatible version for PREPAR3D v4!

    The product includes the following repaints:

    CRJ 200

    • Adria
    • Aerolíneas Sosa
    • Aeromar
    • Air Canada Express
    • Air Canada Jazz
    • Air Nostrum
    • Iberia Regional
    • Airzena Georgian Airlines
    • Amaszonas Linea Aerea
    • Amaszonas Paraguay
    • Amaszonas Uruguay
    • America West
    •  American Eagle
    • Armavia
    • Austrian Arrows
    • Belavia
    • Boliviana de Aviación
    • Brit air, Air France
    • British Airways Regional
    • CemAir
    • China Eastern Airlines
    • China Express Airlines
    • Cimber, SAS
    • Comair
    • Continental Express
    • Costa Airlines
    • Delta Connection Comair
    • Elite Airways
    • Eurowings
    • Fmi Air
    • Go! Mokulele
    • Ibex Airlines
    • Independence Air
    • Iraero
    • JAL
    • Jet Lite
    • Kendell Kunpeng Airlines
    • Lufthansa regional
    • Malev
    • Mexicana link
    • Midway Airlines
    • Midwest Connect
    • NWA Airlink (Mesaba)
    • Proflight Zambia
    • RusLine
    • Scat Air
    • Severstal
    • Shandong Airlines
    • SkyWest
    • SOL Lineas Aereas
    • SouthAfrica Airways Express
    • Star Perú
    • United Express
    • US Airways
    • Vista Jet
    • Voyageur Airways
    • Yamal Airlines

    CRJ 700

    • Adria
    • Air India
    • Alaska SkyWest
    • America West
    • American Eagle
    • Brit Air
    • Air France Brit Air
    • British Airways
    • Conviasa
    • Delta Connection
    • Elite Airways
    • Frontier Jet Express
    • HOP
    • Horizon
    • Ibex Airlines
    • Lufthansa regional
    • Nordica
    • Shandong Airlines
    • SouthAfrican Airlines Express
    • United Express

    CRJ 900

    • Adria
    • Air Canada Express
    • Air Canada Jazz
    • Air One
    • America West
    • American Eagle
    • Binter
    •  China Express Airlines
    • Delta Connection
    • Estonian Air
    • Eurowings
    • Iberia Air Nostrum
    • Lufthansa Regional
    • Myair.com
    • Nordica
    • NWA Airlink (Mesaba)
    • Pluna
    • Scandinavian
    • US Airways Express

    CRJ 1000

    • Air France BRIT AIR
    • Brit Air
    • Garuda Indonesia
    • HOP
    • Iberia Air Nostrum NC



    Aussi disponible


    FSX SP2, FSX STEAM EDITION, PREPAR3D v1, v2, V3 and v4


    Total des Avis


    Note Moyenne


    5 Etoiles
    4 Etoiles
    3 Etoiles
    2 Etoiles
    1 Etoile


    Flotter Flitzer für kleines Geld. Leicht bedienbar,erstaunlich quirliges Flugverhalten und einige nette Gimmicks. Meines Erachtens der bislang beste Narrowbody von Virtualcol. Nur die Flexwings fehlen mal wieder.


    This needs a second update ASAP (they did one and it needs another). The model isn't bad, though the cockpit windows look a tad bit off. It comes with a ton of liveries, which is nice, and the sounds are not too terrible. I'd suggest TSS CRJ200 and CRJ900 (for the 700/900/1000) if you are really into sound sets though. The VC is modeled alright, but the textures are low res and it really just makes me think back to FS2004 days. The gauges could use some work, but everything you need is there. The engine gauges on the EICAS should be green not yellow. It does have synoptic pages, which is cool. The systems are basic. It does have an auto throttle, which the real plane does not have. When you hit "speed" it should climb/ descend and maintain the speed selected, on this addon it just turns on an auto throttle. When you turn on the AP and select HDG it makes a turn to the right before correcting and turning to whatever you selected. That's an old FS9 bug that shouldn't be appearing in an add-on for FSX/P3D. The aircraft struggles to capture the LOC, but does eventually get there. Sometimes it struggles to follow the GS as well. Those are basic things this plane should do well. Overall, for what it is (a basic plane) the systems aren't too bad but need some work. It does come with an FMS based on EasyFMS. It's not special, but it does allow you to type in waypoints that exist in the FSX/P3D database (which can be updated for free). That's pretty cool. The flight dynamics are where this needs the most work. It simply doesn't fly anything like a CRJ. Not even close. It's hard to control, hard to trim, and worst of all it seems like the flaps do absolutely nothing as far as creating lift goes. With the CRJ-200 at flaps full ~140kts you should be nose down roughly 5 degrees, with the Virtualcol I find that I am over 5 degrees nose UP. It's hard to begin to enjoy this when it doesn't fly very well at all. Overall, it's alright for what it is designed to be but the flight dynamics need an overhaul and the gauges/ systems need some polishing. I think it is currently a bit over priced as well.


    Very good plane. An issue with the power was fixed with an update. Exterior models is very good and the VC is good.


    Doch nicht so schlecht! Ich hab nichts weiter erwartet, bin aber dennoch etwas überrascht. ZB ist das Außenmodell in den vielen Lackierungen wunderbar gelungen und besitzt sogar eine 3D Kabine, der Sound ist gut und das VC sieht ganz akzeptabel aus. ABER ein großes Contra ist, sobald man nachts die Landing Lights einschaltet leuchtet das ganze Cockpit, ebenfalls sind die Cockpit Fenster "beschlagen", sobald man dort die Lights einschaltet und die Sicht nach Draußen ist eingeschränkt. Dennoch sehen die Lichttexturen im VC gut aus. Am Logo Light muss auch noch gearbeitet werden... Ich hoffe einfach, dass solche Fehler mit ein paar Updates gefixed werden können!


    The exterior in the day is quite nice actually. At night is alright but not as good. The logo light is a flat texture box around the tail. What really disappointed me was how you land this. My first landing almost had me run off the end of the runway. I was about 2 or 3 degrees nose up, full flaps, relatively light load. Aiming for around a 130ish approach speed. Throttles idle, nose up gaining speed? I force the airplane down. I felt like I was flying the BBS A330. You can't really flare it either. the inputs seem very sensitive. compared to other aircraft. All in all, product is mediocre at best. Exterior again looks pretty good. I like the outside. VC is ok. Its ok for an F-Lite aircraft. If you are a pilot who loves high quality addons with lots of systems, this is not for you.


    The flight model looks nice, the price is competitive... that's about it. I own a couple other vcol products and I realize they are not top tier. However, the flight model is bad, really bad in my opinion. The trimming is off & very jerky, the plane does not slow down during descent at all, the throttling is off, the plane accelerates on the runway accurately, but then continues to accelerate during climb to very fast speed and you basically have to cut the throttles to near off to maintain accurate speeds. Also, in the description it lists the CRJ-900 in Delta connection colors, which they do not have! Very disappointing, does not live up to the other vcol products I own.


    I have been waiting for this aircraft to come out since the day they announced they were making it! So far I am pretty happy with the product. Pros: - Great exterior model (TONS of repaints and clean looking models) - Great sound set - Easy to use equipment - Lots of views - Great VC - Excellent Frame Rates Cons: - A few very minor bugs (FMC is the main thing) I have noticed which will most likely be patched in the near future - "Okay" flight characteristics (At idle power in a shallow descent requires speed brakes which isn't realistic as well as pretty fast acceleration/climb which isn't realistic - No wingviews from passenger view point - No wingflex (from what I have noticed so far) - Engine size (exterior model) on CRJ200 seems too large compared to the real aircraft I am a long time Virtualcol customer and always happy with their products. This CRJ is another one on my to fly list! Another great aircraft Virtualcol.


    I have been waiting for a simulation of the CRJ series for P3D much less P3D V4. That being said, I jumped at the opportunity to purchase this product. I have to say my feelings are mixed. On the positive side, the visuals are extraordinary. The Cockpit was nicely done and the external renderings are spot on. However, the flight model is a bit quirky. I will have to play with it longer but trimming the aircraft seems a bit problematic. The real annoyance is the aircraft refuses to slow down, even with spoilers extended. I realize the aircraft does not have an auto throttle in real life, but darn! If I cut the throttles, there should be a significant reduction in speed in level flight if I extend the spoilers. All in all, this looks so much better than the stock FSX and FSX-SE model of the CRJ. However, the aforementioned flight models are better in my humble opinion. I hope they release a patch for this really soon! This will have to do until the study lever version is released by Aerosoft………………….
    Finally!!!! A CRJ! Beautiful plane, tons of liveries. With the 200, watch out on the decent as she needs a lot of spoiler to reign her in. Great plane!


    Not being into systems and just want to use the big airports with a frame rate friendly flyable aircraft, this one is for me. You too may enjoy this as well if you need the same as me.

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    Avertissement contre le piratage de logiciels

    Protection de votre achat

    Les add-ons pour simulateurs de vol que vous achetez sont protégés par des droits d'auteur au niveau international. Cela garantit que les droits des créateurs sont respectés et que leur travail innovant est protégé.

    Pourquoi le piratage de logiciels nuit à tous

    Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

    Conséquences du piratage de logiciels

    • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
    • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
    • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

    Comment vous pouvez aider

    1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
    2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
    3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

    Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

    € 22.25

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