Explore and experience England, Scotland and Iceland in an extraordinary way like never before. Discover the sights and peculiarities of this unique landscape and architecture.
In 42 stages and 3.097NM and a flight time of 26 hours you will be guided to special places that not everyone will see. From big cities to steep coasts to the highlands, you will discover amazing things.
This trip will be unique!
With a detailed route guidance in text, image and voice output (English) you will be guided and enjoy a tour guide. Text, image and voice output (English) provide information about the special features and sights of the tour.
43 stages
160 waypoints
total distance 5737km / 3.097NM
26 hours of flight time
Route and route guidance via text, images and voice output (English)
Information about sights and special features of the tour via text, images and voice output (English)
In the tour is England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Self-management of the weather up to and the settings of the live weather
If you previously purchased X1 SOFTWARE - ALASKA ADVENTURES at simMarket, you are entitled for a free upgrade. Simply purchase the product and you will not be charged. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
If you previously purchased X1 SOFTWARE - NORTHERN ADVENTURES at simMarket, you are entitled for a free upgrade. Simply purchase the product and you will not be charged. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
Great Tour. Beautiful Landmarks. Now i had the chance to resume my tour through England and Scotland. I love the challenge to handle the rough wind of these regions. This is a clear buy recommendation.
Wunderschöne Landschaft. Mega tolle Tour. Nach meiner Rundreise durch England und Schottland habe ich die ähnliche Tour jetzt auch mit dem MSFS2020 und dieser Tour gemacht. Es ist einfach nur wunderschön. Wer den Wind nicht scheut und auch mal eine Herausforderung sucht, der ist hier genau richtig. OK man könnte den Wind auch abschalten, aber mit ist realistischer. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Clear recommendation! The best you can get right now with missions! A fantastic trip, you can see the attention to detail. I'm excited. The perfect addition to the World Update.
Clear recommendation! The best you can get right now with missions! A fantastic trip, you can see the attention to detail. I'm excited. The perfect addition to the World Update.
Very well recommendation! Wow this is a amazing tour! You are very well guided through the trip and learn a lot about England and Scotland. I fly the routes with my friends so it's really fun. The landscape is simply magnificent and one is just amazed. You really notice the attention to detail of a professional here. Just amazing. Thank you :)