克罗地亚-萨格勒布国际机场 LDZA 专业版 FSX P3D

€ 21.01
克罗地亚-萨格勒布国际机场 LDZA 专业版 FSX P3D

克罗地亚-萨格勒布国际机场 LDZA 专业版 FSX P3D








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Fly to Croatia’s capital with Zagreb professional. This highly detailed scenery brings you to Zagreb Airport, named “Franjo Tuđman” after Croatia’s first president.

Zagreb professional comes with all airport buildings and facilities, detailed terminals, and the complete military area of LDZA. Immerse yourself in this location that fits seamlessly into both default P3D and Orbx environments and features seasonal variations. Lots of little details around the airport are animated, e.g. the windsocks, flash lights, apron traffic, and jetways. In the distance, you can spot the TV tower on the hill Sljeme and the ruins of the medieval fortified town Medvedgrad.

All the parking codes, navaids, ground marking, and taxiway layouts are based on recent charts. The VDGS at the East apron is fully functional, and the add-on includes two detailed AFCAD files for pass-through and push-back behaviour at the West apron.

Compatibility with FTX Global openLC Europe and FTX Global Vector ensures the scenery’s seasons and aerial images appear correctly if you use the FTX products.


  • "Franjo Tuđman Airport" (LDZA) with all the buildings and service facilities, translucent detailed new terminal buildings with interior designs. Complete military area with hangars and buildings. TV tower "Sljeme" and old ruins of "Medvedgrad" are included
  • Orthophoto with 30 cm/px resolution and colour matching of all seasons to P3D and ORBX environment optionally. Densely placed autogen vegetation and buildings
  • Automatic seasonal changes for vegetation, photo background and relevant 3D objects based on V4 scripting variables, also for snowfall outside winter season
  • Detailed ground markings based on recent charts of parking stands and new taxiway layouts including recent changes of taxiway layout (May 2019)
  • Ground layout with rain effect during rainy conditions
  • Detailed SDK-animated jetway models (CTRL-J), SODE jetways as an option
  • Truly functional VDGS at all East apron gates (different for pilots and co-pilots view), no need for any other add-on to get working VGDS
  • Animated windsocks reacting to wind strength and direction
  • Animated flash lights on 05 approach, radar antenna, and stop bar lights
  • Animated vehicle traffic on the apron and around the airport
  • Static aircraft and vehicles
  • Two detailed AFCAD files with airline parking codes different in AI behaviour (Pass-through or Push-back moving on West apron)
  • Realistic navigational aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS). AFD optimised, frequencies and approaches adapted based on recent charts
  • Fully compatible with the default AI traffic and AI traffic add-ons
  • Configuration tool to enable or disable features like vehicle traffic and dynamic lighting
  • Compatible with FTX Europe (compatibility switchable via the config tool, changes include an adaptation to the custom FTX season times and a recoloured aerial image)
  • Fully compatible with FTX Global openLC Europe and FTX Global Vector
  • Handmade fully detailed vector files (rivers, lakes, roads, landclass etc.) which covers 4200 km² around airport
  • Realistic reflections during rain and on glass
  • Runway, approach and taxiway lights compiled into one object
  • Optimised runway lighting, centre lights, taxi lights, apron lighting with 3D lights with activation/deactivation based on time of day and weather conditions
  • Optimized dynamic lighting (can be turned off per area via the config menu)
  • Straightforward installation: no changes to default configuration necessary. No SODE needed for full functionality (despite optional SODE jetways)
  • Optional SODE jetways (P3D V4/V5) available here: https://sode.aerosoft.com/



模拟平台:微软 FSX, FSX Steam版本 或 洛克希德马丁 Prepar3D V3-V5
操作系统:微软 Windows 10 (64位)
CPU:3.5 GHz 四核处理器
内存:16 GB DDR4 RAM, 2666 MHz
显卡:4 GB 显存, 支持 DirectX 11
硬盘:1.2 GB 可用空间, 强烈推荐使用固态硬盘


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  • 安全威胁: 盗版软件通常包含恶意软件,危及您的个人数据和系统安全。
  • 缺乏支持: 未经授权的副本没有官方支持或更新,可能导致潜在问题和漏洞。


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€ 21.01

