This is the high-quality Soundset for the Cessna 310R with Teledyne Continental IO520N recommended for the beautiful Alabeo Cessna 310R or similar models
The sound was taken up from a genuine airplane and processed digitally for the real-feel environment.
Authentie and Digital Recorded of Continental /0520N
CustomSounds for every knob,cards plastic no-smoke-sign,seatbelts and many more
Full Prop-featheringsound inside & Outside
Orginal Flapssound with wind effects
Orginal Alternators
Authentie Startup procedures
Authentie shutdown effects
Authentie Groundroll with structure shake airspeed controlled
Propeller managment in all conditions of flight
Touchdown for every wheel
Orginal Open/C/ose Door sound with lock
Engine cooling down sounds inside&outside including Airport Traffic environment
Gear Up&Down with windstream geardoors and locked effects
Gear warning when gear is not retracted or Down&/ocked by Throttle
Asymmetrie Engine~Run on each side by Throttle and Propeller Contra/
Wind effects in cabin speed controlled
Super soundproofing for lower noises in cabin
Structure and Airframe overloaded effects
Scrape effects,structure,Airframe, Ca bin
overG warning with structure over/oaded sound
Stall Warning with structure shaked
Full crashsounds including:
gearUp landings with EL T-signal
water landings with EL T-Signal
any other conditions with EL T-Signal
Gear broken sounds in case of Gear failure (system failures)
Engine failure effects (system failures)
Cabin heat sounds
Full compatible to Alabeo build-in soundeffects
Full compatible to A2A Akku-sim tool
Runs great in Prepar 30 V2 V3xx
all other soundtools and environments (3rd addon packages)
Tested by real 31 OR pilots.Sounds like the real thing