Extensive manuals in 3 parts (hundreds of pages in total)
Presaved flights
Repaint kit
Growing number of free liveries
DirectX 9/10 compatible
* - 4X means the textures are in four! times higher resolution than Captain Sim regular high resolution textures.
'B-52 Driver' is Fun Line product. If you are a 'hardcore' simmer we would highly recommend to check the FLIGHT MANUAL PART II - AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS and evaluate if the systems programming depth meets your expectations.
First I’d like to say this works perfectly with FSX Steam Win 10 3.3ghz i7 16GB Ram. Only needed to direct the downloaded to my FSX Steam root folder and wallah.
You get a pretty simplified B52 but considering there aren’t any other options to buy any others, it’ll do. I don’t think it’s really worth the full price as you get just 1 model and livery. The free liveries that supposedly can be downloaded actually cannot be downloaded. They just don’t exist anymore, all the links on the Captain Sim site are no good.
What you do get is a very nice looking B52 that for the most part flies nicely. I really wanted one badly so I’m cool with this over priced and under represented product. Not bad at all. Love the Smokey trails.