Special Features
Version 1.1
Original ProLine21 systems:
Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Multi Function Display (MFD)
Flight Guidance Panel (FGP)
Display Control Panel (DCP)
Control Display Unit (CDU)
Flight Management System (FMS)
Updatable Navigraph database
Full FSX and P3D v3.0 compatible.
NOTE : You don´t need to have a subscription with Navigraph because this products comes with an October 2013 Navigraph database which has all the information you need to perform a flight. But if you want to keep your database up to date you will need a subscription with Navigraph (click here to get it).
ProLine21 system featuring:
Two navigation modes: VNAV and NAV
Flight plan creation based on real procedures
Weather radar screen*
Situation awareness
Set different altitudes for different waypoints (VNAV)
Navigraph database (AIRAC cycle 1310 included)
Load a departure procedure (SID)
Load an arrival (STAR)
Load an approach (RNAV, ILS, VOR, etc.)
HD quality textures (4096 x 4096)
3D knobs technology for better manipulation of elements in VC.
Original HQ digital 3D stereo sounds.
Complete back cabin
Customizable panel for controlling windows transparency, instrument reflections and static elements such as wheel chocks and sights props.
Real behavior compared to the real airplane.
Real weight and balance.
Tested by real pilots.
* Weather radar only for FSX and P3D 2.5/Not available in P3D v3.0
NOTE: This aircraft does not have a 2D panel. Only PFD, MFD, FMS, and autopilot have 2D windows.
Included in the package
5 HD liveries
1 HD Blank livery
B350i Emergency Checklist PDF
B350i Normal Checklist PDF
B350i Performance Tables
B350i Reference PDF
Carenado Proline 21 PDF
Carenado RTU PDF
Recommended Settings PDF
Windows Vista, 7 or 10.
Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX with SP1 and SP2 (or Acceleration Pack)
installed or Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D Flight Simulator v2.5, v3.0 or V4.
or FSX Steam Edition.
i3 processor/3GHz or similar
Minimum 2GB RAM (Recommended 4GB RAM)
512MB graphics card.
1.1GB available hard disk space.
INTERNET CONNECTION is required for installing this product.
Probably one of the very best Carenado models ever. Meticulously designed with the usual amazing attention to visual detailing. Additionally it appears to also have the best systems of any Carenado add on for FSX. Over torque is modeled with engine failure so fly right or suffer the consequences. Completing the package is a believable flight model that make this a very enjoyable aircraft to fly by hand.
Not quite study level but it’s as close as they’ve come which is saying a lot for this developer.
Very nicely designed aircraft, lot of details, everything works in the cabin, the textures are great, excellent detail quality.
Now, why 3 stars instead of 5?
1. Lack of proper documentation
2. The ILS approach misses 80% of time. As there is no documentation, it took me a pretty long time to put things together and understand how it should work. Even after this, APPR is not engaging all the time, only 20% of the time. Doing the same steps, same airport. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. Maybe I miss something, but how would I know if the support is not replying and no documentation.
3. Price to steep for the frustration provided by the impossibility of flying IFR end to end.
Yes, there is a workaround, to use FMS approach, but is not the same, cutting lot of simulation fun.
I've bought air crafts from other vendors as well. Paying less for same detailed textures and cabin functionality, including copilot and crew, even more complex FMS, the CARENADO - B350I KING AIR HD SERIES FSX P3D was a huge disappointment.
Ich muss meine erste Bewertung zu diesem Produkt leider, leider korrigieren.
Es waere nach wie vor mein Lieblingsflieger, waeren da nicht die enorm vielen Bugs.
Praktisch die gesamte Autopilotfunktion ist fehlerhaft und unbrauchbar.
Bitte, Carenado, werft einen Flieger mit diesem Entwicklungsstand so nicht auf den Markt.
Have to wait for version 1.2
Sehr schade drum, habe Jahre auf diesen Flieger gewartet, nachdem Milviz den nun seit mindestens 4 Jahren ankuendigt.
In guter Hoffnung - solange fliege ich meine B200 weiter.
Guten Flug
Neben der B200 aus dem gleichen Haus mein schoenster Flieger. Einfach eine Freude, da ich sie auch meist in der Aussenansicht fliege. Ich habe Jahre auf diesen Flieger aus anderem Hause gewartet, gluecklicherweise kam er jetzt von meinem Lieblingshersteller Nummer 2, also Carenado - gleich hinter Majestic Software mit ihrer Dash 8.
Aber das beisst sich auch nicht, da die Ansaetze beider Hersteller sehr unterschiedlich sind und die Dash 8 ja auch ein ganzes Stueck groeßer ist.
Ist schon ein Augenschmaus, diese B350i in der roten Lackierung vor dem blauen Himmel durch die Wolken zu steuern. Die einzige Gefahr fuer mich ist, dass ich zu sehr ins Traeumen komme.
Viel Spaß mit diesem kleinen Kunstwerk