Special Features
Version 1.2
Carenado G1000 Prodigy glass cockpit system.
Original Phenom status screens
Multiple CAS messages
Original Phenom systems
Complete Advanced Aural System Simulation
Full Xplane 10.5 and X-Plane 11 compatible
Carenado G1000 (PFD and MFD)
Terrain Awareness map mode
Different declutter levels
Advance menus and cursor with scroll wheel, click/hold or /drag
Aux- Trip Planning Window
Checklist mode
Crisp, vector-based water data
Pop-up windows can be resized and moved around the screen
Pristine scroll wheel support
FPS-friendly terrain map
Original autopilot installed
Dynamic Reflections via plugin in XP10
Makes use of PBR materials for v11
Advanced interior dynamic lighting
2D pop-up windows for instruments and options
HD quality textures (4096 x 4096)
3D gauges
Original HQ digital stereo sounds recorded directly from the real aircraft
Realistic behavior compared to the real jet. Realistic weight and balance. Tested by real pilots.
Included in the package
6 HD liveries.
1 HD Blank livery.
E50P Carenado Prodigy G1000 PDF.
E50P Emergency Procedures PDF.
E50P Normal Procedures PDF.
E50P Performance Tables
Recommended Settings PDF
操作系统:Windows Vista - 7 (64位) 或 MAC OS 10.10 (或更高版本) 或 Linux
模拟平台:X-Plane10.50, X-Plane 11, 要求64位版本
CPU:2.5 GHz 或以上
内存:16 GB 或以上
显卡:1 GB 显存
Windows 用户:请确保已下载安装所有Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables软件