Netter kleiner Flieger! Systemtiefe nur gering, aber was da ist funktioniert (d.h. die Schalter bewegen sich, technisch passiert da wohl eher wenig). Ich kann nur hoffen dass die Bedienung des ALT-Einstellknopfes sehr schnell geändert wird, das kann einem im jetzigen Zustand den Spaß erheblich verderben. Optisch gelungen, und Cockspur hat die hübschesten Passagiere :-)
J'ai acquis cet avion le phenom 100 de COCKPUR.
Je le recommande vivement, un super comportement en vol.
Il est fidèlement reproduit
A conseiller fortement
After a few flights with this aircraft I'm liking it more and more so I thought I'd update my initial review. The flight model seems fine in all aspects of flight except for the ground handling. Sounds are not as bad as I initially thought. It's just the external sounds need work. The cabin has few clickable options but it looks great just the same especially with the mod for the overhead ceiling color. I'd give this 5 stars if the two updates I mentioned get fixed. Not bad after a little time with this bird.
This aircraft turns like a brick on the ground, feels more like a heavy aircraft versus a light jet in flight, and the external sounds seem to have been taken from a much larger jet than the Phenom 100 (not everyone can do sounds). Internal sounds feel off as well. No real options for clickable items in the cabin. This could be a great effort after a few patches but the initial version outside of visuals (Edit: Landing lights on the ground externally looks terrible) leaves allot to be desired.