€ 15.00

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    I have written this handbook to help you set up X-Plane 12 correctly and optimally.

    This is Version 1.2 of the handbook - It is free to all existing purchasers of the Version 1.0 version – Just redownload from your store account.

    The PDF has now grown to 439 pages (224 double spreads). All the hardware recommendations are up to date, and there is even some new stuff from X-Plane 12.1.0 included. The index is now a massive list of bookmarks which appear on the side

    This book is not a replacement for the official X-Plane 12 manual; but rather should be used in conjunction with it as a step-by-step guide to setting up X-Plane on a Windows PC. The handbook is a supplement to the official Laminar Research manual - primarily for Windows users, although most of the book applies to MAC and LINUX versions as well.  The emphasis is on setting up X-Plane 12 correctly right at the start. I have approached the reader with a Windows 11 operating system in mind. Most of the tips are equally valid for a Windows 10 system. While all the X-Plane 12 information applies to the Apple Mac user, the Hardware and O/S setup are obviously not applicable to MAC users - the X-Plane contents of the book, however, certainly apply to Mac-based machines.

    The book also includes many clarifications, tips and answers to many questions and problems that customers have approached me with over the past few years of offering X-Plane 11 assistance.


    • The PDF E-Book is 439 pages (224 double spreads) in length
    • High-Quality Digital PDF format optimized for reading on a PC with a bookmark/index
    • Dynamic Index and Table of Contents
    • How to Set up X-Plane 12 the right way
    • How to choose the Hardware you need - Actual price examples as at November 2022
    • The proper hardware for X-Plane 12
    • How to Optimize that Hardware
    • How to Optimize Windows 11 for X-Plane 12
    • Contains an interactive slide show showing how to Reset Windows and set it up correctly for X-Plane 12
    • Windows Performance guide - tips and suggestions
    • Nvidia Driver setup for X-Plane 12
    • High-res screenshots of the effect of SSAO, AntiAliasing, Anisotropic Filtering and FSR Supersampling
    • How to set up your peripherals
    • How to set up and configure the Meta (Oculus) Quest 2 Virtual Reality Headset
    • How to Make it Fly Better
    • How to Make it Look Better
    • How to Set up multiple monitors
    • How to Make X-plane Work with Multiple Computers
    • How to Set up a small, efficient stable network
    • A unique illustrated flight description for use as a real-world Benchmark.
    • Understand the terminology
    • Large HOW-TO section
    • Illustrated glossary of terms and acronyms


    Flying Low - the X-Plane 12 Handbook is book 1 of a two-book series. This book covers the installation and usage of the "out-of-the-box" software package X-plane 12. The second book will cover add-ons and scenery, and I will publish the second book shortly after X-Plane 12 has been released. It can't be published yet because add-on makers and scenery creators still need to get their hands on the finished X-Plane product and complete their new/updated products first.

    The X-Plane 12 Handbook - Book 1 starts by discussing your intentions and your needs for your simulator.

    Then we go on to hardware considerations - computer and peripherals.

    I assume you will set up X-Plane 12 from scratch, either with new hardware (buyer's guide included) or with your existing hardware.

    Then we begin step-by-step instructions on setting up the Windows 11 operating system to run X-Plane 12 optimally.

    Once the computer(s) are set up, we look at peripheral calibration and the setting up of the X-Plane 12 simulator itself.

    Next, we look at optimizing X-Plane 12 in detail—a large section of short "How To" articles follow. The X-Plane 12 manual deals with most of these, but I have taken a different approach to explaining things.  

    The book's final part consists of an extensive illustrated glossary of aviation terms that you will likely come across when flying X-Plane 12.



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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

    Warum Software-Piraterie allen schadet

    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

    Folgen der Software-Piraterie

    • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
    • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
    • Fehlende Unterstützung: Unbefugte Kopien erhalten keine offizielle Unterstützung oder Updates, was zu potenziellen Problemen und Sicherheitslücken führen kann.

    Wie Sie helfen können

    1. Legitim kaufen: Legitim kaufen: Kaufen Sie Add-ons immer bei autorisierten Verkäufern wie SimMarket, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie authentische Produkte erhalten.
    2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 15.00

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