Control your aircraft's autopilot systems with a push, tap and twist.
With the Flight Panels Autopilot Panel for the Asobo Cessna Citation Longitude, you can manage your aircraft's autopilot systems using the physical buttons, LCD touchscreen and rotary dials on your Stream Deck Plus (+) to create a truly immersive experience.
Flight Control Panel (FCP)
Button Controls: Flight Director (FD), Vertical Speed (VS), Vertical Navigation (VNV), Flight Level Change (FLC), Flight Level Change (FLC). Auto Throttle (A/T), AT FMS Mode (FMS), AT Manual Mode (MAN) Autopilot (AP).
Rotary Dials & LCD Screen: Real-time values for speed, heading, altitude & vertical speed. Rotate the rotary dials left or right to increase or decrease values. Speed (SPD): Press the rotary dial or LCD to enable SPD MAN mode; Heading (HDG): Press the rotary dial or LCD to set the heading bug; Altitude (ALT): Press the rotary dial or LCD for ALT SYNC; Vertical Speed (V/S): Press the rotary dial or LCD to enter V/S hold mode.
Radios & Communications
Button Controls: NAV Mode (NAV), Heading Mode (HDG), Back Course (B/C), Flight Director (FD), Bank Mode (BANK), Approach Mode (APPR), Altitude Hold (ALT)
Rotary Dials & LCD Screen: Real-time frequency values for COM1/COM2 (Active and Standby). Rotate rotary dials 1 and 2 to change the standby frequency for COM1 and dials 3 & 4 for COM2. Tap the screen or press a standby rotary dial to swap between Standby and Active.
Transponder, BARO & Lighting
Rotate the rotary dials to increase or decrease each of the transponder digits. For additional values (such as lighting), rotate the rotary dials left or right to increase or decrease values.