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This aircraft comes in three versions, Air Observation Post, General Liaison, and floatplane.

A reprise of the type we first released for FSX, this package is pure MSFS. Thanks to MSFS's more advanced handling of aerodynamics, and the L-4's simple but effective instrumentation,  you'll have to keep a sharp eye on airspeed and develop a feel for what the aircraft is doing by also keeping your eyes outside the cockpit. This is what was called "flying by the seat of your pants", and is a true component of good piloting skills.

You'll also need to 'hand prop' the L-4 to start the engine.

With great visibility and fully opening doors, you'll be able to enjoy the amazing MSFS world scenery in a way only the L-4 can provide, and understand why historically this aircraft was so prized in WWII. Not to mention the challenge of being able to land almost anywhere, once you know the aircraft well.


The history of the L-4 is best summed up by Ken Wakefield, author of "The Fighting Grasshoppers" and "Lightplanes at War", who graciously contributed the following overview of this aircraft:

"The Piper L-4 Grasshopper of WW2 was the military version of the highly popular pre-war J3 Cub, by which name it was more widely known to service personnel. Of the 5,500 L-4 variants produced between 1942 and 1945, some went to liaison squadrons and of the USAAF, but the vast majority went to US Army Ground Forces, for use as Air Observation Posts (Air OPs) with the Field Artillery. In both air and ground forces, the L-4 was also used as a flying Jeep, among other things carrying priority mail and personnel between HQs and command posts. Its Continental engine produced only 65hp, yet the L-4's excellent short field performance enabled it to operate from the smallest of improvised airstrips, including roads, adjacent to command posts.

Unlike most other combat aircraft, the L-4 was un-armed and un-armoured. It was one of the smallest aircraft of WW2 and, with a cruising speed of only 75 mph, it was the slowest. Nevertheless, it has been claimed that a single L-4, directing the firepower of an entire Division, could bring a greater weight of explosives to bear on a target then any other aircraft of that period. With the exception of the atomic bomb carrying B-29 Superfortress, no other single aircraft had the destructive capability of the diminutive L-4. It was most widely used in Europe, where more than 2,700 served with the Field Artillery, and of these nearly 900 were lost through enemy action or in accidents. Of those that survived the war, about 150 were shipped back to the US, most of the remainder eventually being sold to civilian purchasers in Britain, France, Switzerland, Denmark and elsewhere in Europe. More than 60 years on many of these are still flying with, in recent years, an increasing number being restored to their original military configuration and markings. A truly remarkable 'warbird', long to be remembered."


1. Nine Paint schemes:
       - 30th Infantry division
       - 2nd Armoured Division
       - 2nd Infantry Division (D-Day)
       - US Navy floatplanes (2 schemes )
       - No.4 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force (Pacific Campaign)
       - French Air Force liaison 

    Post-War Pacific
       - Royal Netherland Indies Air Force (ML-KNIL) (1948)


The installer will require you to find your MSFS  'Community' folder for installation.

Known issue: Floatplane version performance on water unrealistic, believed due to the light weight of the aircraft.

Mots clés


Manual Installation (guidance of the installer) is required as our installer cannot locate Microsoft Flight Simulator.  You must know where your community folder is and direct the installer to that folder location.

8 Gigs of RAM, 4 Gigs of VRam and a healthy computer.  If you can run MSFS without a problem, then the aircraft should run well.  This is not an intense graphics package.


Total des Avis


Note Moyenne


5 Etoiles
4 Etoiles
3 Etoiles
2 Etoiles
1 Etoile


The L-4 from Flight Replicas has some negatives, but mostly positives. The exterior looks great. The flight model and behavior in general is excellent and very convincing and unique. The interior textures are just ok, not the greatest looking. And some of the clickspots including the carb heat are hard to click correctly until you figure out exactly where it is. Sound is the weakest point, as it does not use the proper sounds for the L-4 engine. I had to mod it to the Cessna 152 soundset. And the sounds don't change at all when the door/window opens, which is a major omission for me. Still I am very positive on the L-4. It's great to fly, which is what really matters with such a simple plane like this.


Simple aircraft, good textures, good cockpit BUT Bad sound, probably the stock sound of the Super Cub by Asobo, the camera position isn't even fixed after an update (pilot view is looking slightly to the right). The price for that aircraft is much too high. So sad, I had big hopes in that aircraft. Hope they bring out a good sound and fixing the camera issue.


Very impressive model but it is a very simple plane. Will like to have more complex plane from this developer
Beautiful visual modeling of this simple plane, with excellent animations (like the control cables in the cockpit). If you're looking for a plane that flies like a Piper Cub, rather than like a modernized, souped-up Cub, this is your ride! It's the flight model that makes this. The low-speed handling, especially, feels really authentic. Don't let yourself get too slow (which is pretty darn slow in an L-4!) on approach or you'll see just how well stalls are modeled. Only real downside is the sound, which is aliased to the stock Savage Cub, which uses a Rotax engine that doesn't sound like the period engine in a real Grasshopper/Cub. Aliasing it to the C152 sounds a lot more like it should but hopefully Flight Replicas will find a better default sound package for future updates.

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Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

€ 15.95

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