The Messerschmitt Bf-109 was the standard fighter of the Luftwaffe for the duration of WWII. The Bf-109 scored more air-to-air victories in WWII than any other aircraft, and thanks to an excellent design, served in various roles, including air superiority fighter, escort fighter, interceptor, ground-attack and reconnaissance aircraft. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with over 31,000 built. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including a difficult to handle narrow undercarriage, through constant development the aircraft managed to remain a competitive force against Allied fighter aircraft until the end of hostilities in May 1945.
The Bf-109 was flown by the three top scoring fighter aces of World War II : Erich Hartmann, the top scoring fighter ace of all time with 352 victories, Gerhard Barkhorn with 301 victories, and Günther Rall with 275 victories. Hartmann refused to fly any other type of aircraft in combat throughout the war.
Bf-109K "Kurfürst"
The Messerschmitt Bf-109K was the last model developed of the Bf-109. The K series was the result of a decision to standardise all modifications and improvements that had been made up until that time, as well as introducing some new features, such as a new instrument panel layout and moving the oxygen apparatus from the fuselage to the right wing. Work on the new version began in 1943, and the prototype was ready by the autumn of that year, with series production starting in August 1944. Operational service began in October 1944, and that month alone some 200 aircraft were delivered to the frontline units. By the end of January 1945, despite heavy bombing and advances by the Allies, over 300 K-4s - about every 4th 109 - were operational with the frontline Luftwaffe units.
Approximately 1,700 K models were delivered by factories before the end of hostilities.
The Bf 109 K-4 was the fastest 109 of WWII, acheiving some 715 km/h (445 mph) at 7,500 m altitude; improved propellers were being developed when the war ended which increased the speed to 727 km/h (452 mph). Rate of climb was outstanding, up to 5,500 ft/min at 1.8ata.
The Messerschmitt Bf-109K-4 was a remarkable aircraft, and remained comparable to the highest performing Allied or Soviet fighters until the end of the War.
We hope you enjoy flying this remarkable rendition of history.
Highly accurate VC, with many functioning parts;
Revi16B gunsight that folds accurately out of the way;
Revi16B can be turned on and off;
Three different models;
Twelve different textures;
Accurate and challenging ground-handling characteristics;
Droppable Drop Tank, that removes weight and fuel from the aircraft.cfg for realistic performance;
Working Flettner tabs on ailerons and rudder;
Working MW emergency boost system;
Accurate pilot flight suit and flight helmet;
100% authentic Bf-109 startup sounds;
Propeller blades which alter their angle with prop setting;
Functioning coolant flaps, which also serve as landing flaps;
3D gauges in the VC, for incredible realism;
Paint kit included.
Please note that the Bf-109K-4 is a fairly demanding model, and is recommended for computers 3 Ghz and above, with dedicated graphics cards. However, those with less powerful computers (e.g.2.8 Ghz) have also run the 262 without serious problem.
Flight Replicas BF109 K-4 is a good aircraft. The 3D-Model is fantastic and just looks brilliant. Also the sound is very, very good. There is no 2D-Panel, just a Radiostack with COM1 and Transponder. The Panel from which you fly the aircraft is the 3D-Panel. It's not that good as the Exitor Model but still very nice. It's also very detailed but somehome appears to me a bit too "clean". And not all Swichtes are useable. But except of this, the BF109'er is a very nice plane. Once Airborne it just flies great!!! Just the handling on the ground/during takeoff is difficult due to the fact that you have to use the rudders to compensate the torque of the engine, which is not that easy.
Flight Replicas BF109 K-4 ist ein gutes Flugzeug. Das 3D-Model ist top und sieht einfach genial aus!!!! Auch der Sound ist hervorragend. Ein 2D-Panel ist wie beschrieben, nicht vorhanden, lediglich der Radiostack mit COM1 Frequenz und Transponder. Das 3D-Panel ist gut gestaltet, auch wenn es nicht an die Qualtiät des Außenmodels herankommt. So hätte ich mir gerade hier, mehr bedienbare Elemente gewünscht und das Pit wirkt ein wenig "steril" meiner Ansicht nach. Aber abgesehen davon ist die BF109 K-4 ein gelungenes Flugzeug. Einmal in der Luft fliegt sie sich sehr gut. Nur der Start und das Rollen gestallten sich als herausfoderung, da man mit dem Seitenruder dem Drehmoment des Motors entgegenwirken muss.