Flight Simulator First Officer Next for Aerosoft CRJ (MSFS) is a virtual copilot coded exclusively for the Aerosoft CRJ. It adds a whole new level of realism by providing a copilot to share cockpit responsibilities. FSFO does not require strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (i.e. scripts), reading lengthy manuals, memorizing actions to trigger other actions, or precise speech. To that end, it can be as complex or simple as you want. Just hit connect and fly with confidence that your First Officer is helping you fly this amazing aircraft.
Speech Recognition
Command the First Office to set the flaps, gear, autopilot, takeoff thrust, and execute the flows and checklists. See the Voice Command section for a full list of commands
Checklist can be controlled via voice or completely automated
Control Push Back via Voice commands (i.e. ground crew operations)
Flight Deck Announcements
Welcome Aboard (message depends on weather conditions)
Flight Attendants “Prepare for Takeoff”
10,000 ft chime
We’ve reached our cruise altitude (message depends on turbulence)
Descent Announcements (e.g., electronics off and night time landing messages)
Flight Attendants “Prepare for Landing”
Welcome to our destination (message depends on weather conditions)
Integrated Flows and Checklists
Flows - When activated, the copilot will check each system to ensure its set correctly for a specific flight phase; if it's not set correctly, he will configure said system. Using this system, FSFO will completely configure the aircraft for you, which will spare you the need to read 300+ page manuals.
Checklist - When called, the copilot will call the checklist item
If using button mode - if the systems is set correctly, he will proceed to the next item; if it's not, he will wait for the pilot to configure the system before proceeding to the next call.
If using Voice mode – The Copilot will wait for a verbal response (e.g., checked, set, on, off, etc.…)
Speed Calls:
Copilot call Power Set
Copilot calls Speed Alive
Copilot calls 80 Knots on takeoff and 100, 80 and 60 Knots on landing
Copilot calls V1, Rotate, and V2
Copilot calls “400 ft” and “Acceleration Altitude”
Vref monitoring (i.e., copilot will advise the captain when the airspeed falls below the imputed value on landing)
Engine Callouts:
Copilot calls “Engine x Started”
Copilot calls “Engine x Cutout
Copilot calls “All Engines Stable”
Safety Checks:
Before Takeoff - Copilot checks the flaps, trims and autobrakes; if they're incorrect, he will warn you
After Takeoff - Copilot checks the landing gear and flaps; if they're incorrect, he will warn you
Before Landing - Copilot checks the landing gear, flaps and spoilers; if they're incorrect, he will warn you
Doors – Copilot will warn you anytime the engines are running and the main door is opened
Copilot Options:
Manages Autopilot – Copilot can turn on/off Vnav, Lnav, A/T, and Master Autopilot
Manages Gear – Copilot can raise/lower the gear at the designated altitudes
Manages Flaps – Copilot will raise/lower the flaps at the designated speeds
Manages Altimeters - Copilot can set altimeters based on flight parameters
Speed Warns - Copilot warns with IAS goes above 250 knots below 10K ft AGL, when Ground Speed is too high (30 mph), or when the IAS falls below VREF during landing
Manages Lights - Copilot can turn on/off ALL interior and exterior lights at the appropriate altitudes and time of day
Systems monitoring - Copilot can also callout flap changes, parking brake, landing and spoiler status. For example, if you retract the flaps from 5 to 1, the copilot will call “Flaps 1.” If the landing gear is extended, the Copilot calls “landing gear down”
Manages Copilot EFIS controls – Copilot will set his controls based on flight parameters (e.g., App Mode when capturing the ILS and terrain map on takeoff/landing)
Manages FMC – Copilot will set his FMC based on flight parameters (e.g., LEGS page on Takeoff, PROG page in Cruise, sets VREF on descent and aligns IRS during the Preflight Flow)o Manages MCP – Copilot will set IAS, HDG, LNAV, VNAV, A/T, HDG SEL and FDs.
Change Copilot/Pilot accents:
Choose between English, French and German (more on the way)
Great value and really adds to the FS experience. Developer very helpful and patient when I had some issues with some of the installation issues on my PC. I would buy again. Great Job!
I don't do much reviews but I had to do this one because this is an independent developer who has created an awesome immersion companion app for MSFS. I love this app. As one who also owns FS2Crew that kinda does the same thing, this has been my go to app. I use it for the CRJ and FBW A320. The Developer is always improving on it with updates and it gets better and better . Again, This app is worth the money and if you want some really great immersion with having a first officer this definitely a must have. The options to customize it to your liking is numerous.
Excellent product. i have been using the FBWA320 version and this is just as good.
Frequent updates and the dev is fast to respond to questions and requests.
Highly recommended.