What can I say that hasn’t already been said? It’s FlyTampa so, yeah it’s an excellent and accurate reproduction of LOWW.
They really go all out with realism and detail. Kind of expensive but worth it.
FlyTampa professional as always - everything 99% perfect!!
Just again, occasionally issues with light beams from light poles pointing directly horizontal, instead of down...weird.
Another great airport from Flytampa. The detailing level is very good. Seasonal ground changes, dynamic lighting, sode implementation adds huge amount of immersion. The scenery highly optimized and performance is on the top.
Had it for Fs2004 and it was brilliant then. In P3dV4 stunning! Very good Frame Rates, lots of options in the config tool, so if you don't want 3D grass (Which uses FPS) then you can deselect it.
One point is, I didn't see a lot of AI Traffic, this is due to the Gate radius being too small. Using ADE fixed this, now its full of aircraft. Fly Tampa = High Quality.
Great quality scenery FlyTampa are one of the best developers out there and Vienna does not disappoint, very good vas and fps and a very detailed airport. One of my favourites.
High class bit of scenery if you have had Fly Tampa scenery before it is up there with their best, if you have not had Fly Tampa scenery before their sceneries are fab. This scenery is by no means any different. Brilliant Detail and very good fps, even better with the Fly Tampa config tool where you can manage the quality of the scenery and the extra things like apron traffic, static aircraft etc.
Vienna v2 ist meiner Ansicht nach SUPER!
Sehr schöne Details sind über den ganzen Flughafen und Umgebung verteilt. Trotzdem ist die Framerate exzellent, auch mit "komplexen" Fliegern wie dem Airbus Extended
Ich kann dieses Addon mit guten gewissen weiterempfehlen!
Gut gelungene Scenery, sehr detailgetreu und von der Framerate sehr gut. Leider fehlt aber am Tower das Blinken. Sonst aber ein Muss für ALLE LOWW Liebhaber.
Dieses FSX-Addon ist wirklich gelungen - die Szenerie ist umwerfend und die Infrastruktur am Gelände (Brücken, Taxiways, Lichtanlagen) atemberaubend. Beim Anflug auf LOWW gibt es keine Probleme (kein Ruckeln oder "Laggen"), der Abflug ist ebenso pipi-fein durchführbar.
Ich kann dieses Addon mit gutem Gewissen jedem LOWW-Fan nahelegen!