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Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

Folgen der Software-Piraterie

  • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
  • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
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  2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
  3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.


Flight Replicas and Warbirdsim have teamed up to bring you a truly outstanding opportunity to fly and compare two of the best fighters of WWII, recreated with exacting accuracy. Be either a test pilot singly comparing strengths and weaknesses of each aircraft, or, with fellow pilots in multiplayer, engage in friendly duels across the skies to see who can best exploit their aircraft's performance to get into the better combat position.

These two aircraft types were in actual combat together over Europe in the final months of WWII, and now's your chance to safely put yourself in the pilot's seat of both sides and see for yourself what it might have been like. Sharpen your flying skills - you'll need them!

To top it off, in celebration of this special partnership, Flight Replicas and Warbirdsim are happy to present this two-aircraft package at a price less than the two aircraft purchased individually.

Messerschmitt Bf-109K-4 "Kurfürst"

The Bf-109 was the most produced fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33,984 units produced from 1936 up to April 1945.

The final production version of the Bf-109 was the K series, or "Kurfürst", introduced in the autumn of 1944, powered by the DB 605D engine with up to 2,000 PS (1,973 HP). Though externally similar to the late production Bf 109G series, a large number of internal changes and aerodynamic improvements were incorporated that improved its effectiveness and remedied existing flaws, keeping it competitive with the latest Allied and Soviet fighters. The Bf 109's outstanding rate of climb was superior to all Allied adversaries including the P-51D Mustang, Spitfire Mk. XIV and Hawker Tempest Mk. V.

The 109K's in "Dogfight Series":
Pilots and serial numbers are difficult to come by for Bf-109K-4's, and so most of these aircraft are generally anonymous except for their Jagdgeschwader (Fighter Wing) and Gruppe, identifiable by the fuselage markings. However, these particular aircraft were chosen as being highly illustrative of the the many different camouflage styles in effect by the end of the War, some due to official policy, some for tactical reason, some for paint supply reasons, and some due to the wide dispersal of the manufacturing of the main components. Overall, aircraft production batches often had one style of paint scheme for that batch.

  • JG 3 "Yellow 2"
    From the 332xxx batch of aircraft. Pasewalk, March 1945. Thought to be s/n 332506, shot down by a Soviet Yak on March 18, 1945
  • JG 27 "Chevron"
    From the 330xxx batch of aircraft. Thought to be s/n 330255, found by British troops at Wunstorf airfield in April 1945, after the aircraft had made a wheels-up forced landing.
  • JG 53 "Black 8"
    From the 331xxx batch of aircraft. Found at Echterdingen by US troops at War's end.
  • KG 6 "White 1"
    Found at Graz, Austria at War's end.
  • KG (J) 6 "Black 12"
    Found at Praha-Ruzyne at War's end, with one of the final official paint schemes applied to the K-4.
  • JG4 "White 4"
    From the 334xxx batch of aircraft. Guben-Jüterbog area, April 1945

A  few of the Bf-109K-4 features:

  • Highly refined flight dynamics: can and must be flown 'by the book';
  • Airspeed effects flight control effectiveness;
  • Realistic inertial starter sequence;
  • Working weapons system, including accurate rate of fire and number of rounds;
  • Accurate blue tracer rounds;
  • Folding Revi 16B has collimated gunsight; 
  • Eight different researched paint schemes;
  • Accurate and challenging ground-handling characteristics;
  • Photo luminescent gauges;
  • UV cockpit lighting;
  • Droppable Drop Tank, that removes weight and fuel from the aircraft.cfg for realistic performance change;
  • Visual in-cockpit fuel flow check for drop tank;
  • Fuel can be dumped when necessary;
  • Working MW emergency boost system, to bring horsepower up to 2000 hp;
  • Working oxygen breather gauge;
  • Canopy can be jettisoned;
  • Working emergency gear extension;
  • Wing slats that function automatically depending on airspeed and AoA;
  • Wing slats are audible, as per real aircraft;
  • Authentic Bf-109 sounds;

Download a free copy of the Bf-109K-4 Manual here.

North American P-51K Mustang

In order to keep up with demand, by the start of 1944, North American Aviation was producing Mustangs not only at just its Inglewood, California plant, but also at its Dallas, Texas plant – by mid-1944, both factories were running at their max capacity with the production of the brand new P-51D. Throughout this time, NAA’s propeller of choice was that of the 4-blade, 11’ 2” Hamilton Standard cuffed type, but the wartime manufacture of these props was not keeping up with the demand for them, and an additional, alternative option had to be found. As a result, the Aeroproducts company was contracted to supply 4-blade, 11’ diameter propellers to the Dallas factory. In order to facilitate the Aeroproducts blades a completely new spinner assembly also had to be designed and implemented. Despite the fact that the rest of the aircraft remained identical to the P-51D, the required indication of separate production from the P-51D resulted in the new designation of P-51K. A production block of P-51K’s was however only a continuation of an existing production block of Dallas-produced P-51D’s, with the propellers changed.

Total P-51K production numbers and variants are:

200 P-51K-1-NT (P-51D-5-/NT equivalent))
400 P-51K-5-NT (P-51D-10-NT equivalent)
600 P-51K-10-NT (P-51D-15-NT equivalent)
300 P-51K-15-NT (P-51D-20-NT equivalent)

With the rest of the aircraft being identical, the propellers could be swapped between variants in the field – Hamilton Standard props on a P-51K, or Aeroproducts props on a P-51D (though extremely rare), can be seen in period photos. The P-51K’s featured in this product are depicted based on a distinct moment in their service lives, and as a result, a couple examples are fitted with a replacement set of Hamilton Standard propellers, rather than the factory-installed Aeroproducts units.

The P-51K's in "Dogfight Series":

P-51K-1-NT “Dot Darlin/Our Mom” (s/n 44-11360)
The personal mount of Lt. Carl E. Decklar, assigned to the 354th FS, 355th FG, based at Steeple Morden. “Dot” was in reference to Lt. Decklar’s wife, Dorothy. The aircraft is depicted in its final markings/configuration of the war. Nearly identical to the P-51D-5-NA, except for the installation of the Aeroproducts propeller and factory installed dorsal fin fillet, the P-51K-1-NT had all of the same early features, including the early instrument panel layout and the early main switch panel and white recognition light on the spine of theaircraft. Although the aircraft was produced with an N-9 reflector gun sight installed, and the Aeroproducts prop blades, in the field the aircraft was modified with the installation ofthe K-14 computing gun sight, and a set of Hamilton Standard prop blades and spinner. The aircraft has also been upgraded in the field with the installation of the AN/APS-13 tail warning radar, and the pilot has chosen to have a Spitfire mirror fitted atop the windscreen (a popular choice). As was also common practice, the exhaust shrouds have been discarded.

P-51K-5-NT “Nooky Booky IV” (s/n 44-11622)
The famed personal mount of Maj. Leonard “Kit” Carson, assigned to the 362nd FS, 357th FG, based at Leiston. The aircraft is depicted in its final markings/configuration of the war. With the exception of the propellers, the P-51K-5-NT was identical to the P-51D-10-NA. These early aircraft retained the fabric elevators, circular gun camera port, early dorsal fin fillet, and other details of the first production variants, but featured the redesigned P-51D instrument panel, and had the white recognition light on the spine of the aircraft deletedwith the main switch panel redesigned as a result. Based on pilot preference, a P-38 mirror has been liberated and mounted to the canopy. The aircraft has also been upgraded in the field with the installation of the AN/APS-13 tail warning radar (whichwasn’t installed at the factory until much later variants). Also, common amongst the 357th’s lead pilot’s aircraft, “fowl weather” lights have been installed on each side of the fuselage, a depot-level modification. These lights, which were the standard amber recognition lights, were used by lead aircraft to help in getting the formations formed up during bad weather conditions. A toggle switch has been field-installed on the main switch panel, next to the three recognition lights switches, to provide control of these lights. All P-51K-5-NT’s were manufactured with N-9 reflector gun sights installed, from the factory, though “Nooky Booky IV” sports a field-installed K- 14 gun sight.

P-51K-5-NT “Rusty” (s/n 44-11623)
The personal mount of Capt. Llyod J. “Jeff” French, assigned to the 503rd FS, 339th FG, based at Fowlmere. Aircraft was later reassigned to Lt. William R. “Bill” Preddy (brother of Maj. George Preddy) who retained the aircraft’s name. The aircraft is depicted in its last known configuration, as seen in early 1945. The aircraft remains almost completely stock to its original production standard, with the exception of a K-14 gun sight installed in the field, and the exhaust shrouds have been removed.

P-51K-5-NT “Donna-Mite” (s/n 44-11624)
The personal mount of Lt. Leroy C. Pletz, assigned to the 352nd FS, 353rd FG, based at Raydon. The aircraft, recreated from its only known photograph, is quite fresh, with just general wear from flying a few
missions. Like “Rusty”, this aircraft is also just about completely stock to original production. However, the pilot has chosen to have a P-38 mirror fitted to the canopy. The N-9 gun sight has also been removed and a K-14 installed.

P-51K-5-NT “It’s Super Mouse/Sweet Sue” (s/n 44-11626)
The personal mount of Lt. Robert V. Dodd, assigned to the 328th FS, 352nd FG, based at Bodney. The aircraft is depicted in itsfinal, known configuration, while assigned to Lt. Dodd. This aircraft is one of the most modified. At the time frame depicted, the aircraft’s original Aeroproducts propellers werereplaced with a new set of Hamilton Standard prop blades and shiny bare metal spinner. The pilot chose to have dual Spitfire mirrors fitted, which were mounted with brackets designed and used by 352nd FG crew chiefs. The aircraft has also been upgraded in the field, with the installation of the AN/APS-13 tail warning radar, and the N-9 reflector gun sight has been removed in favor of the K-14. The aircraft also sports bomb aiming stripes, applied to the wings while in service.

A few of the P-51K features:

  • All work based on original P-51D/K factory blueprints, maintenance and assembly manual, pilot manuals, NAA-issued production block modification summaries, correspondence with P-51 pilots, restorers, maintainers, researchers, and modelers, and literally thousands of period and modern photos.
  • Accurate reproductions of the P-51K-1-NT and P-51K-5-NT, with every detail that made them unique from other production variants.
  • Simulated 2 Stage Supercharger, with an engine that will blow if over-heated (for Acceleration users).
  • Only all original hardware and production finishes and details throughout, including; factory-authentic patchworks of chromate yellow and interior green primers throughout, inspection stamps, stencils, and placards (using period-correct type faces), correct instruments and radio installation per variants, a correct depiction of the factory filled, sanded, and silver-painted wing surfaces, correct wheels/brakes/tires, static ground wire, relief tube and all over-flow ports, “Dallas canopy”, and internal plumbing with correct identification markings.
  • Complex, ‘by the book’ flight dynamics, designed using original pilot manuals and correspondence with P-51 pilots.
  • Simulated fluorescent/UV cockpit and gauge lighting.
  • Droppable long-range tanks, which remove weight and fuel from the aircraft when released.
  • Sounds recorded from inside and outside of the restored P-51D “Jumpin Jacques”, through various in-flight and ground conditions - with the distinctive gun port whine incorporated. 
  • An early K-14A gun sight installation is accurately depicted, with the gun sight controls mounted under the right-hand side of the instrument panel shroud, as they would have been when installed as a field modification, complete with an early-issue twist-handle throttle lever.
  • The K-14A gun sight features both the fixed and the gyro-computing reticules. The K-14 is also removable, providing a more unrestricted view.
  • The inner “clam-shell” gear doors are connected to the hydraulic release handle in the cockpit, which when pulled following engine shut-down, will cause the doors to fall open.
  • Period-accurate pilot, wearing an A-11 leather flying helmet, B-8 goggles, A-14 oxygen mask, B-3 (Mae West) life jacket, flight suit and B-10 jacket, and an S-2 parachute.
  • Tail wheel control connected to control stick position (stick forward to unlock tail wheel).
  • Designed with multiplayer use in mind (drop tanks only display if selected by user in-game).
  • Parked configuration: With engine off and parking brake set, the pilot is removed from the cockpit and chocks are put in-place.




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Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

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Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

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  • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
  • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
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  3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

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