The new VFR Regional series was designed and developped to provide VFR flight an environment as realistic as possible. It is the result of years of experience and practice in flight simulation and 3D modeling.
"VFR Regional" products embed all enhancements from the new 3DAutomation® technology developed by France VFR. This technology already allows to generate the most realistic and dense environments ever seen. It does not intend to model real world accurately but to create a copy "as real as it gets" on a massive scale. It will evolve to adapt to the needs and new data available.
This documentation applies to our entire VFR product range, but some sceneries may have specific or different operating instructions. These differences are specified when necessary in the official specifications product page of each product.
Ground textures from 0.8 to 1.20 meter / pixel resolution from IGN aerial photography reworked for an optimal visual rendition in Prepar3D® (summer only).
Dedicated mesh with high definition 4.75 meters (LOD13).
Lakes and rivers with navigable waters fitting the texture.
Transparency management of the seabed on the entire scene.
Semi-detailed generic airports including flatten platform correction.
Obstacles and VFR landmarks modeled on the entire scene including the official SIA database (antennas, towers, water towers, wind turbines, various constructions ...).
Hundreds of thousands of objects and notable buildings integrated into the environment (churches, power plants, silos, castles, industrial tanks, bridges, tolls, cranes, boats, streetlights, road signs ...).
Integration of 3D Automation® technology allowing multi-million buildings and realistic vegetation areas fitting geographic specs.
Extremely dense and optimized vegetation coverage using a custom rendering module controlled by artificial intelligence (AI).
Autogen buildings including additional specific and optimized 3D variations.
Geo-referenced data for maximum compatibility with future add-ons installed on the same area.
Development process 100% Lockheed Martin® SDK specifications compliant, ensuring maximum compatibility with new releases.
Предложения по апгрейду
Если вы ранее приобретали FRANCEVFR - PARIS - ILE DE FRANCE VFR 3D AUTOMATION FSX simMarket предоставляет право на апгрейд по специальной цене в EUR 16.63. ВНИМАНИЕ: предложение действует только в случае приобретения с той же самой учетной записи! ВОЗВРАТ НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТСЯ!
Produit simplement inutilisable 9 à 10 fps, très mal optimisé, incohérences sur la scene, routes sans ponts sur les rivières ect ... la nuit c'est simplement lamentable. Bref Je ne recommande pas du tout.
Config I7 3770k @ 4.3Ghz, 32Gb Ram, Sli gtx 1080, ssd etc... je tourne entre 40 a 50 fps sans cette scene.
Produced simply useless 9 to 10 fps, very poorly optimized, inconsistencies on the scene, roads without bridges on the rivers ect ... the night is simply lamentable. In short I do not recommend at all.
Config I7 3770k @ 4.3Ghz, 32Gb Ram, Sli gtx 1080, ssd etc ... I turn between 40 to 50 fps without this scene.
This scenery is quite beautiful; however, it's a slideshow and does not have seasonal textures. It does not blend in well with Orbx FTX Global/Europe.
For better idea - i7 7700k @ 5Ghz, GTX 1080, 16GB high perf RAM:
Drzewiecki NYC & V2 Airports + Ultimate Traffic Live + 4096 textures + Med/High Settings = 40/50 FPS.
This product + T2G CDG + Ultimate Traffic Live + 4096 textures + Med/High Settings = 10/20 FPS.