FS-FlightControl is a touch optimized instructor station for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X (FSX) including Steam Edition, X-Plane 10.52 and 11.x as well as Dovetail Flight Sim World (FSW).
Beside the Windows application an Android and iOS app is available as well.
Get the Most out of your Flight Simulator with FS-FlightControl Featuring
The FS-FlightControl license purchased here is granted for private/personal end user home, strictly non-commercial use only. Academic and commercial licenses are available upon request. Please contact us at info@fs-flightcontrol.com
Compatible With
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator X including Steam Edition
X-Plane 10.52 and 11.x
Dovetail Flight Sim World
This is a must-have program. It has numerous features, a lot of which I haven't used yet. I do not fly without it now. Try the free demo mode, and you will not be disappointed.
In summary, I will not fly without it now.
FS FlightControl is so much more than an instructor/student tool. It's a fantastic (if not the best) moving map for Prepar3d/FSX/X-Plane with so many features it puts the other moving map displays to shame. It provides so much control over the simulator that I have yet to discover everything it can do.
The included Simconnect Networking Utility makes getting FS FlightControl up and running on a networked machine better than any other, bravo! I have struggled with other software, especially the freeware variety, but with this tool getting FS FlightControl up and running on my networked laptop was so easy that it feels like cheating.
If you are looking for the ultimate in FS utilities, buy this now you will not be disappointed!
This is a really well put together piece of software. I use it on every flight from a client pc. Once I ran it a few times I could immediately tell that this applications importance would be right up their with other 'must haves' like FSUIPC. Very well supported as well.
This is an amazing utility and I won't be without it now that I've tried it. I'm absolutely spoiled.
This does everything that it is supposed to do in the description, and does it flawlessly, as far as I can see. (I haven't tried everything that it can do yet).
This is money well spent for any flight sim addict.
What is really great is that it works as good with X-Plane 11 as it does with P3Dv4, or any of the other simulations.