MZBZ Philip S. W. Goldson International MSFS
Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport (IATA: BZE, ICAO: MZBZ) is an airport that serves the nation of Belize's largest city, Belize City along the eastern coast of Central America. It was named
after politician Philip Stanley Wilberforce Goldson, who died in the year 2001.
This scenery need to be placed in your main COMMUNITY folder, in your main MSFS installation.
This is a rendition for this airport, all the spare info are compiled from Google, that´s why no one has to try to make it before, (no accurate textures and sizes), screenshots, custom building and a lot objects in the area.
More important; thank you for your purchase, this money goes to our animal shelter "Patitas"
This scenery/airport is okay. I would have given it a 5 star rating had the developer set up the gates correctly. They have the gates basically running East/West (parallel) to the terminal, which is totally incorrect based on the real life airport. I've flown into this airport numerous times, so I have first hand experience as to what it should look like. The gates 1-8 should run basically North/South (perpindicular) to the terminal. Gates 4-8 if memory serves me correctly are currently used for commercial flights from the US and Mexico. Gates 1-3 are used by Tropic Air and Maya Island Air, which are Belizean owned airlines. I would think that this would be an easy fix.