For Prepar3D v5 and Prepar3D v4 - Includes v5.4 Support!
ASP3D is the latest addition to the ActiveSky weather engine line. ASP3D evolves realism-based weather simulation, building upon the ground-breaking and proven features of ActiveSky while integrating with the latest simulator platform update from Lockheed Martin: Prepar3D v5.4.
Many of the back-end systems of ActiveSky have been completely redesigned or overhauled for ASP3D
New P3D Enhanced Atmospherics (EA) integration for improved synthesis, depiction, interpolation, and flight plan awareness.
New 5.3/5.4-specific EA enhancements including better visibility tuning, additional cloud transition smoothing, volumetric fog smoothing, and volumetric cloud depiction configuration options.
New P3D add-on folder specification/design, with everything installed outside of the P3D folders – Includes ASCA support (with SP3 Update)
New networking design eliminating the need for SimConnect configuration in networked environments – Just install ASP3D, install the included Connector on the server machine, configure your shared paths, and go!
New XGauge universal design that works for any aircraft without needing to install into panels – New reworked airborne radar mode visualization with radial signal processing + multiple radar usage capability (you can now use multiple AS Radar API add-on radar displays together along with XGauge airborne radar mode all at the same time)
Wind smoothing redesigned for higher frequency force actuation and organic feel
New Prepar3D v5 integration with all the standard functionality you’d expect from the ActiveSky weather engine
Works with both P3Dv5 and P3Dv4
Works in both standard mode and new “Enhanced Atmospherics” mode with P3Dv5 – See below for EA limitations
New 5.3 and 5.4+ specific EA enhancements including better visibility tuning, additional cloud transition smoothing, volumetric fog smoothing, and volumetric cloud depiction configuration options
New P3D add-on specification design with all items installed outside of the P3D folders
New Universal XGauge design that works for all aircraft at any time without requiring panel additions
New networking design that eliminates the need for SimConnect configuration or use between clients and server – Just install ASP3D on the client, the included AS P3D Connector Installer on the server, make sure your networked shares are configured, and go
New EA-mode integration with new interpolation, depiction, synthesis and parameter control for a more accurate experience
Includes ASCA integration for cloud and sky graphics enhancements with dynamic cloud and sky texture variation, now working fully outside the P3D folder using the new add-on specification design
Major enhancements to the data network, weather synthesis, interpolation, and other core weather simulation and depiction technologies – now with much increased performance, stability and availability
Includes the most advanced version of our award-winning core weather engine and weather data services, being refined now for over 20 years
Enhanced Atmospherics
The new Enhanced Atmospherics (EA) mode in P3Dv5 is new and undergoing constant improvements. Some features of ASP3D are not compatible with EA mode. This includes: Cloud detection features, in-cloud motion effect, in-cloud visibility reduction, high-resolution radar/precip accuracy, and some ASCA-integrated enhancements/dynamics. While the EA depiction and API is evolved over time, we will be constantly working to further extend and integrate with this depiction system.
Note: Prepar3D v5.4 support is now included, with 5.3 and 5.4+ specific EA cloud transition smoothing enhancements, visibility smoothing enhancements, and volumetric cloud depiction enhancements. ASCA cloud texture features are now also available while using EA mode, when Volumetric Clouds are disabled in P3D options, since EA + legacy clouds are now optionally available in v5.2+.
well, after consuming the ketshup on McDonalds at Stockholm arlanda airport which is known for declaring war on all organs in your body so you end up on the toilet longer than France lasted in WWII. The turbulence that activesky managed to simulate was very accurate which I know by experience after that kethup. Active sky is good when it comes to real time weather. Very recomended.
super Programm fürs Wetter im P3D- Darstellung ist so realitisch wie man es kaum glauben kann. Einzigster negativer punkt: nach jedem Update von Window kann man die Software neu installieren-stellt keine Verbindung zum P3D mehr her.