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The Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is an American all-weather, carrie capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. This twin-turboprop aircraft was designed and developed during the late 1950s and early 1960s by the Grumman Aircraft Company for the United States Naby as a replacement for the earlier, piston-engined E-1 Tracer. The E-2 was the first aircraft designed specifically for its role, as opposed to a modification of an existing airframe, such as the Boeing E-3 Sentry. Variants of the Hawkeye have been in continuous production since 1960, giving it the longest production run of any carrier-based aircraft.

The Grumman C-2 Greyhound is a twin-engine, high-wing cargo aircraft, designed to carry supplies, mail, and passengers to and from aircraft carriers of the United States Navy. Its primary mission is carrier on-board delivery (COD). The aircraft provides critical logistics support to carrier strike groups. The aircraft is mainly used to transport high-priority cargo, mail, and passengers between carriers and shore bases, and can also deliver cargo like jet engines and special stores.

This package contains:

- detailed visual E-2C, E-2C+, C-2A and C-2A(R) aircrafts

- five different liveries for the E-2C, including U.S.Navy, Israeli Air Force, Japanese Self Defence Force and French Navy variants

- five different liveries for the C-2A depicting various squadrons from mid 80's to present day. 

- detailed virtual cockpit in four variants as appropriate for the individual aircraft (from fully analog to EFIS equipped)

- advanced flight model developed with the help of real-world pilots

- custom sound package



Simulator: FSX (Acceleration/Gold/Steam Editions), P3D (all versions)
OS: Windows, any version suitable for the simulators above
CPU: Multicore 2.4GHz
GPU: Nvidia 760 or better.
RAM: 3Gb
HD: 1.4Gb needed for installation


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I’m thoroughly enjoying this package! Greyhounds and Hawkeyes in one wrapper. Here is another plane that I made the mistake of buying a Virtavia version of previously. I mean those weren’t terrible, I got what I paid for. These Hawkeyes are vastly superior in every way. Like others have mentioned the engine sounds are toned down a lot by default for some reason. Sure I can change my EQ and turn the volume up, but it just doesn’t sound right then either, only slightly better and louder. The flight physics seem to be quite well done. I think the interior is pretty nice myself. The exterior is certainly outstanding. I just wish there were more interior camera options like the cargo or cabin area, but no. Nevertheless these are some well developed add ons. Based on use with FSX Steam Win 10 i7 2.3ghz 16GB ram Intel UHD 630 integrated GPU. No problems even when in other add on scenery areas the frame rates remain intact.


Dino Cattaneo hat hier zwei längst überfällige Navy Flugzeuge gebaut und begibt sich aus seinem bekannt bewährten Jet ins Turboprob-Lager. Turboprops sind einer der Schwachpunkte des FSX/P3d und darauf weist der Entwickler in seiner Dokumentation auch hin. Trotzdem ist ihm durch Tricks eine gute Umsetzung gelungen. Schaut man sich die aircraft.cfg der beiden Flieger an stellt man fest, dass sie außer den Gewichten und Triebwerksdaten fast identisch sind. Das ist für mich auch völlig in Ordnung, da sich die beiden Flugzeuge wohl auch relativ ähnlich verhalten (Ich bin sie nie in echt geflogen) und es sich hierbei um keine "study level simulation" handelt. Mit dem Manual hat sich Cattaneo wieder viel Mühe gegeben, daher kann ich das Lesen nur empfehlen - es enthält auch einige wichtige Punkte zur Bedienung. Zum Handling: Beide Flugzeuge lassen sich gut von Hand fliegen. Carrier-Operationen (Starts und Landungen) sind möglich. Die wichtigsten Systeme werden simuliert (Stichwort: Feierabendflieger). Die Internen Sounds sind leider wirklich nicht gut und die getestete Version hatte noch kleine Bugs, welche aber kaum Auswirkung auf das Flugvergnügen haben. Ich habe das Produkt in FSX SE und P3Dv4 sowie in VR getestet und bin zufrieden. Kleiner Hinweis zum Triebwerksstart: Vorher einmal die Conditionlever komplett durchschalten hilft! In der aktuellen Version kann ich die Fehler der ersten Rezension nicht mehr reproduzieren. + Flugverhalten / Flugleistung + Dokumentation + ein Produkt für FSX und P3D ohne Zusatzkosten + keine Frameratefresser - Interner Sound


Although I have been pleased with other products from Dino such as the F-35 and T-45, I must say that in my opinion the Hawkeye/Greyhound package is disappointing and simply not up to par with other INDIAFOXTECHO offerings. Specially, the T-56 engines sound "weak" at best. Should it not sound somewhat like a two-engine C-130? It's called a "hummer" but fails to "hum". While the exterior modeling is good, the cockpit textures disappoint. And the lack of click sounds for the various cockpit switches is very noticeable. In short, This product seems "unfinished", and I do not believe it is up to Dino's past standards. Therefore, at 30.00 Euro I believe the product to be overpriced in it's present form. Dino has demonstrated in the past that he can be a top drawer developer, but in the case of the Hawkeye/Greyhound he needs to revisit the product.


Well I must sat that the exterior of this aircraft is very well done: it simply looks very nice! Like many of us we get caught up in the eye candy, I for one. Things change for the worse on the interior for one the cockpit lightening is basically white lights on the instruments which is not bad until you hit the overhead cockpit flood lights. Instead of having individual toggles and switchs light up, you get this red glowing effect throughout the overhead and it does not do this aircraft justice. Next, is the throttle quadrant that does not seam to have any effect when trying to fine tune using the Shift Ctrl F1 or F2 keys making it difficult to operate. And for me when I saw the beautiful props on this plane I am thinking this thing is going to sound killer, I was dead wrong! The sound set on this aircraft is not good at all, it sounds like something from FSX past very dated. At a minimum I would have guessed it would of sounded like the Q400, this is a big military aircraft and in real life these things shake the ground. To conclude I think this may have been released a little early and I am hopping the developer will get these things up to par quick, he does great work but this one needs some more tweaking. But it looks good on the outside no doubt!


This has met if not surpassed all my expectations! Absolutely stunning and an amazing piece of pay ware to my collection! This wI'll surely set standard for FSXP3D Hawkeyes and Greyhounds as I do not see anything surpassing this! Fantastic work!


As a proud customer of the IndiaFoxtecho Eurofighter i bought the C-2 instantly.Too early as I have noted. While the external model is very good, I was disappointed about the VC and internal sounds. After the start up sequence it becomes quietly regardless of power settings. There is a variety of styles of steam gauges which seems reasonable for an older aircraft, but the engine instruments looks like from a far previous version of Flight simulator. The inflight sound was too bad that test flight was aborted resulting in a “uninstall” hoping for improvements.


As expected, out of the bag superb. Been looking forward to this for a long time and Dino has excelled yet again. 4 models, 2 variants and VC cockpits. External model and flight model are amazing!


Beautiful planes by one of the best designer out there... Dino Flies so good it feels like a real one.


Flight dynamics so good that first three fully manual carrier landings went flawlessly in both E-2 and C-2 aircraft.Model and paints look really good as well.

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