FSUIPC7: Flight Simulator Universal Inter-Process Communication (for MSFS only)
FSUIPC7 is a utility program for MSFS which provides an interface for other programs to read and write all sorts of pertinent data relating to the simulation, and in many ways even to control the actual process itself.
It is an essential ingredient in many add-on FS programs, and, in fact, may be installed on your system by any one or more of them already. For most such programs you do not need to actually purchase FSUIPC7.
But, in addition, FSUIPC7 contains a number of useful features for you, the Flight Simulator user, features that can assist you setting up the best simulation environment and making the best of what you have. It can do this because, by its very nature as an interface program, as a “puller of wires and pusher of switches” on behalf of external applications, it is also in the best position to help you do the same.
To use these additional features you need to register your copy of FSUIPC7 here and obtain an Access Key, which will unlock them.
Facilities provided to the Registered User of FSUIPC include:
Joystick control facilities:
Facilities for joystick calibration – specifically, more accurate setting of dead zones and centres.
Joystick mapping for multi-engined aircraft throttles
Facilities for reverse thrust adjustment on each throttle, or via a separate reverser,
Joystick button programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignment menu.
Joystick buttons can also be made to produce key-presses, for instance when this is the only way to control an add-on aircraft panel or other accessory.
Joystick button assignments for use by WideFS clients on Networked PCs.
All button assignments programmable separately for press and release
Facilities for analogue flap and spoiler setting, with detentes.
Facilities for analogue elevator, aileron and rudder trim settings.
PFC COM-port connected devices, operating through our PFCcom64.DLL driver, can also have their switches and buttons programmed using the same facilities.
Capabilities for all of these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.
Direct axis assignments
Facilities for asignment of any Windows API (not DirectInput) joystick axis to any FS axis control, or sequences of other controls dependent upon axis range and direction of change.
Axes can be read as Windows Game controler calibrated values, or direct as ‘Raw’ values for setting specific values.
Capabilities for these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.
Key press programming facilities:
Key-press programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignments dialogues.
FS controls can be sent with fixed parameter, for use in setting specific analogue values.
Key-press combinations including SHIFT, TAB and CTRLas extra shifts, for many more assignment possibilities.
Key-press assignments for use by WideFS7 clients on Networked PCs
All key-press operations programmable separately for press and release, and for specific aircraft or general.
Other features:
Lua programming interface/interpreter for advanced control
Advanced logging facilities
Access to local panel variables (lvars) and HTML variables (hvars)
Please note that FSUIPC for MSFS lacks some of the features of previous versions as the MSFS SDK is still under development. Some of the main features still to be developed (pending facilities to be provided) include:
- access to weather information (for read and write)
- AI traffic management (traffic limiter and zapper)
It is recommended to download and read the documentation and try the unregistered version before purchase.
You can also try the registered facilities using a trial license, available here:
If you previously purchased JOHN DOWSON - FSUIPC6 FOR P3DV4, 5 & 6 or PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC5 FOR P3DV4 at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 24.99 only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
If you previously purchased JOHN DOWSON - FSUIPC4 at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 24.99 only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
A PC version of MSFS (XBox not supported).
This product is NOT COMPATIBLE with FSX or FSX-SE - please see FSUIPC4
Minimum Windows version: Windows 10 Nov 2019 update (1909)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable
Note that latest release version of FSUIPC7 is always available for download at www.fsuipc.com.
Bon je donne mon avis qui n'est pas excellent certes mais je mets quand même cinq étoiles lol, bref, je ne comprends rien au logiciel vu que la doc est en anglais et je suis nulle en anglais lol, il fonctionne très bien pour tout ce qui est lien entre msfs2020 et simbrief et autre mais du moment que j'essaie du faire une configuration pour mon honeycomb (alpha et bravo) les choses se gâtent lol, comme je suis une brèle en anglais et qu'il n'y a aucun tuto sur youtube (les autres sites je ne sais pas :) ), bref, la mouise pour porte bien son nom lol néanmoins, il est très bien pour le anglophiles donc, je le recommande malgré tout même si j'ai pas mal de soucis de reverse avec msfs2020 ou certaines commandes ne sont pas du tout logique lol avec certains avions entre autre l'atr
A great product, the autosave feature has saved my bacon a few times. One suggestion I would make would for an option to disable autosave below 10,000 ft; as a few times the sim has frozen for a couple of seconds on short final/during flare whilst the save is happening. Keep up the great work John D.
I was looking for a way to map functions in MSFS that couldn’t be done via the in sim controls options and FSUIPC7 worked perfectly. With a basic button box that has a few rotary encoders, buttons and switches, I can now fully enter flight plans, procedures etc., using dials. No more using a mouse. Fantastic! I did have a few questions and John was very helpful. How great is it that you can ask a question and the developer himself helps you directly. Highly recommend this software!
Very powerful tool which does require taking time to read the manuals and understand how to use it. But it has fixed my 10 degree bug with my Honeycomb Bravo TQ which is what I really wanted. More importantly, the customer service provided by John is top notch. I have nothing to complain about with my purchase and would do it again!
Excellent piece of software. I have not used the graphical interface but "only" the LUA scripts. It took me some time to get comfortable with scripting, but wow, it is powerful.
I could not live without this little tool. I use it a lot in conjunction with my Virpil control panels where I not only use commands but also read states of various things in the sim and assign lights to all the LED's for buttons and displays.
Necessary thing for MSFS. The only thing that does not work is Save during the flight or its possibility of uploading, it does not work in MSFS, perhaps for now.
I think the problem is not in this application but in loading the * flt file in MSFS.
I take the autosave and its full operation as a necessary part of MSFS, which is still in development for me even when it is sold.
If I read a flt file, the 'nose' of the plane climbs in the graphical interface of the MSFS menu / from the planet / and nothing will be read.
Maybe updates for next times MSFS.
This applications save me from the disappointment of not being able to use the B787 Dreamliner. I recently upgrade my Standard MSFS2020 to Premium Deluxe just so I wanted to try this new airliner. I read in the forums that there is a known issue with the B787 but I never thought that it almost ruined my experience and my faith I had on ASOBO. The aircraft won't do a tight turn. If you did, its stop and won't move at all. So you have to figure out how to make it move again. If you an experienced and long time player you just know what to do. Also if you put too much fuel or too much payload. The aircraft will start to bounce when you start taxiing it on the runaway. This apps save the rage in me because it can assign steering tiller and make you steer the aircraft easily and responsively.