Just Flight很高兴为您带来标志性的三角翼Avro Vulcan,它是由Just Flights的内部团队在韦尔斯伯恩机场对现实生活中的Vulcan B Mk.2、XM655进行全面的实践研究后开发的。该产品包括英国皇家空军服役的B Mk.2战略轰炸机、K.2空对空加油和海上雷达侦察(MRR)变体。
福克兰群岛战争后,在交付VC10和Tristar加油机之前,六架Avro Vulcan B Mk2被改装为空对空加油,作为临时解决方案,这些加油机将取代老化的Victor加油机。这一改造包括增加一个安装在尾锥中的软管鼓单元(HDU)和三个弹舱鼓罐。从1982年到1984年,K.2变种在英国皇家空军沃丁顿50中队服役。
1973年,9架Avro Vulcan B Mk2被改装用于海上雷达侦察(MRR)。MRR变种在英国海岸进行巡逻,主要在高水平上运行,并使用雷达监测航运,但也在低水平上飞行以进行视觉识别和检查。他们在进行空气采样方面发挥着次要作用,在核试验后飞越空军污染区,并使用安装在每个机翼下的空气采样舱收集样本进行分析。从1973年到1982年,MRR变体在27中队(英国皇家空军斯坎普顿)服役,当时尼姆罗德号接管了这些任务。
Accurately modelled Avro Vulcan B Mk2, K.2 and MRR built using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (XM655)
K.2 air-to-air refuelling variant with Hose Drum Unit (HDU) and animated hose
Maritime Radar Reconnaissance (MRR) variant with air sampling pods and nose blade aerials
Many detailed animations, including:
- Crew door
- Bomb bay doors (with realistic deployment speed)
- Multi-position airbrakes (accurately linked to landing gear position)
A range of payload options, selectable via the EFB tablet:
- Blue Steel nuclear stand-off missile
- 1,000lb bombs
- WE.177 nuclear bomb
- Saddle bomb bay tanks
- Cylindrical bomb bay tanks
- Shrike anti-radar missiles
Most payloads can be jettisoned and can be seen falling away from the aircraft
Ability to configure external model options for each livery – refuelling probe, 201/301 engines, TFR dome, modern aerials and tail fin ECM, HDU, air sampling pods and aerials
Olympus 201 and 301 engine nozzle types
Ground equipment, including Houchin GPU and Palouste compressor for engine start (with custom ground equipment paint schemes for each livery/squadron) and engine covers and chocks
8k textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
A truly 3D virtual cockpit right down to accurately modelled ejection seats and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
A selection of rear crew panels that are essential to operating the aircraft are modelled - AEO panels for controlling the AAPP, RAT and secondary supplies, and Navigator panels for controlling the TACAN and IFF/transponder
Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Ready for Taxi’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control sticks for a better view of the instruments and pre-set angled views for the autopilot and rear crew panels
Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft states, options and payloads, with Navigraph and SimBrief integration and a moving map
Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
Realistic V/UHF radio unit – save and recall commonly used frequencies
Fully functioning magnetic indicators, warning lights and push-to-test buttons
Numerous animated blinds and visors
Realistic flight instruments, including direction horizon, beam compass, control surface and CG indicators
No detail is too small – even the option to switch between day and night modes on the landing gear indicator is included!
Aircraft systems
Custom-coded systems based on real-world manuals, including:
Fuel system – fuel tank groups, transfer and cross-feed, air-to-air refuelling simulation via controls on the tablet EFB
Custom-coded electrical system - alternators, Airborne Auxiliary Power Plant (AAPP), Ram Air Turbine (RAT), synchroniser busbar and AEO panels for controlling the AAPP, RAT and secondary supplies
Flying controls system - Powered Flying Controls (PFCs), Mach trimmer and auto-stabilisers
Engine start system – rapid or normal engine starting, cross-bleed and Palouste external air supplies
Hydraulic system, including the electrically operated hydraulic power pack unit (EHPP)
Oxygen system, including oxygen regulator system with realistic consumption based on altitude – watch the oxygen quantity drop with usage
Air conditioning system – cabin pressurisation and air conditioning, emergency depressurisation controls
Thermal anti-icing system, including airframe and engine anti-icing
Autopilot, including pitch and bank hold
TACAN and VOR navigation, including navigator IFF and TACAN panels
Airbrakes, bomb doors and brake-chute can be operated using standard control assignments for ease of use
Terrain Following Radar – the flight directors will provide guidance to maintain a set altitude when flying at low level
The Vulcan B Mk2 is supplied with 12 paint schemes covering its life in RAF service and subsequent private restoration: