PA-28-181 ARCHER '弓箭手' TX/LX XP11/12

€ 32.46
PA-28-181 ARCHER '弓箭手' TX/LX XP11/12

PA-28-181 ARCHER '弓箭手' TX/LX XP11/12








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Just Flight, in partnership with Thranda Design, are proud to present the PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX for X-Plane.

Following on from their award-winning PA-28R Arrow III, Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer and C152, this highly detailed simulation of the PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX has been developed by Just Flight's in-house team following comprehensive research with a real-life Archer TX, N752ND.
The PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX is a four-seater, piston-engine aircraft equipped with a fixed tricycle landing gear, 180hp four-cylinder engine and fixed-pitch propeller. Certified in the mid-1990s, the Archer III was one of the most recent PA28 variants to be built, reflected in its streamlined cowling and cockpit overhead panel controls.

The TX/LX is a modernised version of the Archer III, equipped with G1000 and EFD 1000 avionics, and other improvements to both the exterior and interior of the aircraft to compete with the latest generation of GA aircraft. The TX is aimed at the training market and the LX at the private market. The TX/LX is capable of cruising at 118 knots and with a range of nearly 500 miles, it is an ideal aircraft for touring and flight training.

The cockpit is dominated by the impressive G1000 PFD and MFD which features custom functionality including synthetic vision, optional GFC 700 autopilot controls and realistic aircraft systems indications. An EFD 1000 unit is provided as a standby display, powered by a functional secondary power system.
The Archer TX/LX is flown all around the world and in addition to our US research aircraft, N752ND, the product features liveries from the USA, UK, Germany and New Zealand.

The PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX for X-Plane features PBR materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism, HD textures for the highest possible texture clarity and numerous animations including a multi-animation passenger door that, when open, responds to G-forces and air resistance.


  • Accurately modelled PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX, built using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft
  • Numerous animations including multi-animation passenger door that, when open, responds to G-forces and air resistance, baggage door, cockpit window and sun visors
  • Ground equipment including chocks and tie-downs
  • HD textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
  • PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism
  • Detailed normal mapping for down-to-the-rivet precision of aircraft features


  • Fully functional G1000 PFD and MFD, and EFD 1000
  • Optional GFC 700 autopilot controls
  • Realistic aircraft and engine systems indications
  • A truly 3D virtual cockpit right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
  • Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
  • Interactive engine start checklist that responds to user inputs and sim variables
  • Interactive checklists for every stage of flight
  • Aircraft configuration system that will allow you to choose between 'cold & dark' or 'ready for take-off' (if aircraft is stationary on the ground)
  • Interactive logbook panel for logging your flight details (X-Plane native)
  • Flight computer panel with useful information such as fuel burn, endurance, speed and wind speed/direction
  • GoodWay compatible
  • Option to activate flashlight from within pop-up window, to aid in those pitch-black cold and dark starts at night
  • Option to remove window and instrument reflection effects
  • Animated toe brakes
  • Functional throttle quadrant tensioning system
  • Radio knob animations routed through plugin logic, for optimum movement fidelity and sound synchronisation

Aircraft systems

  • Custom-coded fuel system, including the option of automatic fuel tank switching for use on those long distance cross-country flights (this option is remembered for future flights)
  • Custom-coded electrical system with functional circuit breakers, avionics power circuit and secondary power system. Circuit breaker logic is linked to X-Plane's internal failure logic, so if the plane is set to fail a certain electrical component after a certain number of hours, the circuit breaker for that element will pop out.
  • Realistic landing gear with slow/fast tyre rotation animation (blurry when rotating fast), precise shock absorber animation and wheel chocks and tie-downs
  • Dedicated interactive engine pop-up window displaying values such as fuel tank weights and imbalance, fuel pressure, oil pressure, oil temperature, battery charge (with quick charge option), and information about spark plug fouling and vapour lock condition
  • Simulated vapour lock condition, with warning pop-up and suggested actions
  • Simulated spark plug fouling condition, with indication of percentage of fouling
  • Lighting system includes separate lighting control for gauges (via rheostat)
  • Simulated fan and vent system with realistic blower sounds (linked to circuit breaker logic and electrical system for realism)
  • Custom external light logic with custom strobe light pattern and custom light halos for added realism


The Archer TX is supplied with six liveries:

  • G-IBEA (UK)
  • N752ND (USA)
  • N280HG (USA)
  • N667LB (USA)
  • D-EKKP (Germany)
  • ZK-LJX (New Zealand)

Other features

  • Realistic and accurate flight dynamics based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from PA28 pilots
  • Authentic sound set, generated using X-Plane's state-of-the-art FMOD sound system
  • Custom sounds for switches, doors, warnings and more, featuring accurate location placement of sounds in the stereo spectrum, 3D audio effects, atmospheric effects, adaptive Doppler, exterior sounds spill in when window or door(s) are opened, different sound characteristics depending on viewing angle etc.
  • Comprehensive manual with panel guide and performance data
  • PSD Paint Kit included so you can create your own paint schemes
  • Dedicated pop-up window for sound mixing, allowing for individual adjustment of the volume of exterior sounds, in-cockpit sounds and various effects
  • Custom weight and balance manager window



模拟平台:X-Plane 11/12

CPU:Intel Core i5 6600K 3.5GHz 或更高频率

内存:8 GB 或以上

显卡:一张来自 nVidia、AMD 或 Intel,支持 DirectX 12,配备4GB显存的显卡 (推荐 GeForce GTX 1070 或以上,或 AMD 同级别显卡)

操作系统:Windows 10 / 7 / Vista / XP, MAC OS 10.10 (或更高) 或 Linux

硬盘:2 GB 可用空间


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  • 缺乏支持: 未经授权的副本没有官方支持或更新,可能导致潜在问题和漏洞。


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€ 32.46

