Fehlkauf. Repräsentiert Hamburg leider schlecht, die Beleuchtung ist ziemlich dürftig und auch ansonsten wirkt alles recht "clean" und einfach. Kein Vergleich zu Sim-Wings und von mir nach dem ersten Flug nie wieder benutzt.
Overall the scenery is nice and looks good, but I had a problem with one of the ILS frequencys being outdated. However, I just sent a quick e-mail to the developer and 48 hours later, I recieved a patch for it. That is excellent costumer service and while it would be nice if this would have been updated on it's own, it still shows how dedicated the developer is to satisfy his customers.
This is my first Justsim scenery and I'm very impressed. Not one of the big name devs but they are in the top ten. Great details and textures in the buildings, taxiways and objects. No regrets!
I bought this scenery as I was really tired of the rehashed "professional" version by another company. It was my only airport where the frames dropped below acceptable levels when arriving or departing. So I went ahead and tried this one... although I have to admit, that I was abit of a sceptic at first, as I didn't knew JustSim. With their version of Hamburg however arriving there is like coming home. The performance is amazing, even with very complex aircraft. I use all the stuff by OrbX and even AI Ship traffic. Still I have smooth sailing all the way. So yeah - I totally recommend this product. Same goes for LCLK.
Beautiful scenery. worth every cent and if you get it on sale is quite the bargain. Performance is excellent, looks are awesome. Keep them coming just sim, surprise us with some more from the asian side. Im certain to come back with you.
Eigentlich eine schöne und aktuelle Umsetzung. Leider fehlt an vielen Taxiways die Beleuchtung. So sind Twy E1 zur 15 und Twy D1 zur 05 nachts komplett dunkel. Das gefällt mir leider gar nicht...
Bit disappointed with this if I'm honest, think mostly because the surrounding area of the airport is all default scenery and texture which means when you are using the taxi ways you are looking at default buildings which kind of misses the point of buying custom scenery. Actual airport buildings and runways are modeled well, and if you can get this at the discounted price then it is certainly not bad value-for-money despite its limitations.