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Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.


This is the exciting new 'extreme detail' vintage classic aircraft from Lionheart Creations, the Junkers 'W' Series.

Featuring extreme mapping, a plethera of model variants with various engines and landing gear versions, animated passengers, different liveries, and two extremely realistic soundpacks. This package is sure to bring some fun back to your flight simulation experience.

This package includes the famous 'Bremen' plane that made the first European 'East to West' crossing, as well as vintage airliners of the early 'Lufthansa', and also includes the rugged W-34 in bush plane
 regalia, with options in pontoons, skis, as well as the rugged landing gear that made the aircraft able to land in the harshest conditions of nature.

Designed for Flight Simulator, this multi-model package features the following:

Aircraft 'Models' in this package:

* Junkers W33L inline J5 powered Cargo Plane
* Famous 'Bremen' model that made the European Atlantic crossing
* Famous 'Bremen' model with Ski's attached
* Famous 'Bremen' model with pontoons for water landings
* Junkers W33L Passenger Model with high detail interior and passengers
* Junkers W33L Cargo Plane
* Junkers W33L Float Plane with Passenger Interior
* Junkers W33L Float Plane with Cargo Interior
* Junkers W33L Passenger model ski plane
* Junkers W33L Cargo ski plane
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant cargo plane
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant passenger plane
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant cargo floatplane
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant passenger floatplane
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant cargo with ski's
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant passenger with ski's.
* Junkers W34 Radial powered BMW Wasp variant with wheel skirts


* Two high detail virtual cockpits (2 variants)
* High detail passenger liner with detailed, animated passengers
* All vent windows, door, inner hatch, and overhead slider panels in VC are animated
* High detail exterior paint schemes in several vintage liveries
* Fully animated controls, levers, and buttons in the Virtual Cockpit
* High realism airfile that features the unique feel of the wide wingspan all metal classic airliner.
* Appearing wheel chauks and vintage European cargo baggage carriage

These are some screenshots of the 'Airliner' passenger model. The actual Junkers were fitted with 4 to 6 seats in the aft cabin area and often luxuriosly appointed with the rich styling elements of the 1920's and 1930's, which included high dollar fabrics.

In this Junkers collection, by selecting Spoiler key ( using the / key), you have two passengers that appear, a gentleman and a lady. The female spends her time looking around out the window, as she is animated.

Note also, that some of the interiors will differ from others, including the dress and hair color of the lady passenger.

Note also the wild luggage of that era. Lionheart Creations was able to find genuine photographs of some of the luggage of that time and modelled the luggage models directly from the photos and then mapped the photos directly onto the luggage. The European hotel decals are also genuine and were added to the photographs.

This is the Cargo plane interior. Note in these screenshots that it is empty. When you click the Spoiler key, (use the / key), the rear cargo hold fills with cargo, strapped down and ready to go.

Also note that when you shut down the engine, the cargo appears on the ground beside the plane, displaying every single case and crate that was actually in the cargo hold, giving you a hint as to how much these planes could truly hold.

This is the classic 1920's instrument panel and Virtual Cockpit. Note the twin oval instrument consoles, old style riveting, batmobile style control yokes, and some of the post WWI instrumentation. The tall black gauges are wing tank readers.

Its neat to note that you could slide open the canopy overhead section in flight, enjoying the open air. This also availed pilots with also being able to egress the cockpit from the outside. (Note the handle holds on the sides of the fuselage for climbing up the wings).

Note that the mini vent windows on the classic W-33 hinge down. They are controled with Shift E 3 and Shift E 4. The overhead plexi panels also slide back and are operated with Tailhook command. (The various catches and latches also animate).

This is the more modern 1930's W-34 panel. This cockpit features a much more efficient use of panel area, having more gauges for navigation and engine monitoring. The engine controls are now on a throttle quad unit and the instrumentation technologies are almost to WWII standards.

Note that both classic and modern panels feature hiding yokes. (The yokes will hide some of the primary instrumentation from the pilots viewpoint). So, if you click the big bolt on the panel, (cant miss it), the yokes will disappear. Click it again and they reappear.

This is the famous 'Bremen', built early into the production line and almost a prototype, this plane, registry D-1176, took her crew of 3 across the great Atlantic ocean, 3,500 miles. This was the first aero flight from East to West, with Charles Lindberg having just crossed from West to East only prior to their journey.

The 'Bremen' was given to the people of New York by the people and country of Germany as a gift. The famous aircraft was then donated to the Henry Ford museum and recently restored by Lufthansa by a team of professionals, and is on display in Bremen Germany at their public museum, where you can view the astonishingly well resurected aircraft in shiny, prestine condition.

Note the original landing gear, spoked wheels, and odd flair of the wingtips and ailerons. This was a very revolutionary aircraft in her time, sporting an all metal skin of Zeppelin's famous 'Dura-Luminum', a rugged form of alloy.

Bremen comes with extremely large fuel tanks for long flights. We recommend that if you fly the Bremen on short hops, to lower your fuel levels to half or a quarter capacity.

Here is the standard model W-33, which was originally designed as a cargo plane. This aircraft features a load out in the cargo hold that becomes visible when you click on the Spoiler key, (use the / key). When you shut off the engine, the cargo appears on the ground beside the plane, each case visible, showing the amount of cargo that one of these planes could actually carry.

This is the point at which the Junkers W series took up the baton from the earlier F-13 model, making for a larger airliner. Originally meant as a large capacity cargo liner, it quickly became used as a passenger liner instead, having room for up to 6 seats in the rear cabin area. The passengers appear with the Spoiler key, (use the / key).

When you shut down the engine, the pilots disappear from their positions, wheel chauks appear before the tires, and an antique European luggage carriage appears beside the plane with some vintage suitcase luggage on it, ready to be loaded up.

Note on the L series long nosed W-33's, that the engine shakes ever so slightly. You can see this in the exhaust stacks on the starboard nose of the cowling.

This is the rugged Bush plane variant. The later model W-34 became a huge success in wilderness areas, being able to fly into remote locations with ease.

This model is the 'Cargo Bush Plane' model. The crank case Junkers cooling shroud and radial cowling ring have been removed for easier daily maintenance. The wide wingspan and powerful radial allow for great ingress to short runways.

This is the popular and most photographed model, the Junkers W-34. Lufthansa ordered a large number of these planes and they were soon seen flying from Berlin, to Sweden, from Moscow to Iran, from Stuttgart to London. Many airlines around the world ordered the highly reliable and powerful W-34, including Canadian Airways Ltd, which had 8 of the W-34's, which helped to pioneer the great wilderness of Canada's mountain ranges and arctic like countrysides.

Each model of the Lionheart Creations Junkers 'W' Series has a float version for water landings. The pontoons were created from photographs in museum collections. There were many types, but this model seemed to be the most used. The pontoons feature animated water rudder linkages and control wires and high detail aluminum shine.

These models in this package also feature Ski variants. The Junkers, because of its ability to work in all climate conditions, was usually flown in harsh winter conditions which required skis to be fitted.

Shown is the cargo model. With the engine off, the cargo appears beside the plane in the snow.



FS2004 FSX SP1
This product does not support the SP2 update of FSX


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1 Etoile


Ich habe rel. lange gezögert, mir diese Flugzeuge zu kaufen. Dann aber habe ich sie mir doch zugelegt und muss sagen, es war voll witzig, mit den beiden VFR von Siem Reap nach Saigon Itl. zu fliegen. Die Cockpitausstattung ist spartanisch. Es gibt kaum Navigationsanzeigen, aber das hatten die alten Ju´s damals ja auch nicht! Zusammen mit Track IR aber gibt es ein tolles Fluggefühl, das ahnen lässt, wie es sich damals angefühlt haben muss, so einen Vogel zu fliegen. Das Außenmodell ist sicher nicht mehr unbedingt state of the art, aber immer noch ansehnlich. Daher 5 von 5 möglichen Sternen!


Although this Junkers is apparently not meant to be used in FSX Sp2 or in P3D, it works (in my case) with P3D 2.5 quite well. If one wants a nice 1930s plane and doesn't expect too much system depth, this is a very nicely made plane from that period and it flies quite well. There are a few (minor) mistakes in the German descriptions and the load factor should be looked at before departure, but that should not distract from enjoying this aircraft. Btw, I didn't like the blue-ish cockpit glass, when in VC mode, so I just de-activated the respective small "Perspex_t" file in the texture folder.


Wer dieses add-ons als Lachnummer bezeichnet hat von Tuten und Blasen keine , aber auch wirklich keine Ahnung ! Lionhart-Produkte sind in der Regel sehr gut gemacht und sind sehr Realitätstreu.


Dieser Flieger ist ein einzige Lachnummer! Es ist mein erstes Addon dieses Herstellers, und wird wohl auch das einzige bleiben. Zum erstenmal gestaunt habe ich als ich den Default Load Editor geöffnet habe: Ohne Payload und Piloten ist der Flieger alleine durch die vollen Tanks um 444 Kilo überladen!!! Weiter geht es mit den Panel-Beschriftungen, die der Produzent wohl mit Google aus den MS-Beschriftungen übersetzt und dann teilweise auch noch falsch geschrieben hat. Am Pedestal findet man z.B. eine 'Vergaser Verwaermung', in schönsten gothischen Lettern. Wir sehen uns das GPS an - die Idee an sich ist nicht schlecht: Ein GPS500 auf die 20-er Jahre getrimmt. Die Knöpfe sind mit 'Aus' (Zoom Out), 'Im' (Zoom In) und 'Eintritt' (Enter) beschriftet. Autopilot: Was zum Henker soll 'Steigen Schloss' oder 'Kurs Schloss' sein?!? Ach so: Climb Lock und Heading Lock... System On heisst konsequenterweise dann auch 'System Auf', und Nav On wird zu 'Nav Auf'. Auf dem Electric Panel finden wir Schalter für 'Battery' - wohl keine Übersetzung gefunden - , aber auch für 'Kabin' und 'Instrumenten'. Ich habe nur die W33 aufprobiert, auf die W34 ist mir gründlich die Lust vergangen. Ein Plus möchte ich aber doch noch erwähnen: Es gibt eine einblendbare Umrechnungstabelle für Metrische und Imperiale Masse. Ganz ehrlich: Hier ist ein einziger Stern noch zuviel, es sei denn man kriegt gerne mal einen Lachkrampf während des Fliegens...


I agree with Nige. If you think you like the look of the screenshots - you should see it in action. At the moment I can only fly it in FS9 (At the time of writing FSX SP2 is not catered for) but in FS9 it is just fantastic with so many different variations to fly. Such good value. This will keep me amused for weeks! Just 2 complaints. The military versions could do with military passengers not the male and female VIPs. The female vip is not showing enough clevage!! LOL Regards GJ


Simply wonderful. If you like old and slow in an aircraft with a lot of character you should stop reading this and go and buy it! Best wishes Nige

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Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

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  • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
  • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
  • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

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  1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
  2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
  3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

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