Born in the 1960's, this was the jet that would change the future of flying for executives, a new form of transportation that was extremely fast and affordable to the elite. These jets were born from the Swiss P-16 fighter bomber concept jet. William Lear purchased the design and converted it into a sleek business jet. This ultra-fast plane is capable of going into overspeed on a single engine.
One incredibly powerful, fast, sleek, yet beautiful and inspiring jet, even today, far into the future.
This aircraft package is designed for FSX and Prepar3D Flight Simulators. (This will not work in X-Plane).
Please note, this is an exotic addon package with much software coding and extreme (radical resolution) graphics. The intensity of resources needed might be too high on older, slower computers. Please make sure you can run a high end addon aircraft on your computer 'before' you purchase this plane.
The Lionheart Creations LJ24B is packaed full of neat features. From its rare fuel system with transfer controls, to its riveted airframe skins, to its elaborate instrument panel crammed full with instrumentation and switches, to its nice, leather clad rear cabin complete with either passengers or air freight.
The following are some of the features of the LHC LJ24B
Ultra high resolution 4096 Graphics on exterior and some interior textures
Super detailed instrument panel with almost all gauges operational
New code technology feature hold down starter switches that flip upwards after startup for 'generator' charge mode
High detail interior features 3DS Max shading technology for subtle shading and highlights
Illuminated instrumentation and night glow panel from hood lights
Rear and forward cabin dome lights are on separate circuits, and the panel is also on its own light circuit switch as well.
Hide-able high detail passengers in rear cabin
Air Freight version LJ24B with cargo that can be hidden
9 Paint schemes with various interior themes including a run hard Freighter, an original White with Red stripes factory variant with 1970's interior including shag carpet, and beautifully restored, updated, high end variants with modern interior treatments such as suede.
Engines illuminate with a nice glow in the back exhaust stacks and vary in brightness per engine load
Autopilot System that featured on/off ALT, HDG, NAV/LOC and APP settings (early age of Autopilot systems)
Hide-able yoke to allow you to see instruments and switches that would otherwise be hidden.
Airfiles created by famed Wayne Tudor
Engines cough a flame and puff of smoke on start up
Spoilers cause a plume of vapor trail when extended at good speed
Numerous alarm sounds for 'gear up', 'engine fire', 'overspeed', and many more 'events'.
2D Panels and Popups
Due to high request, we have created a 2D panel as well as 2D popup sub-panels, such as Electrical System and Engines, Audio Panel, Fuel Management Panel and other popups. The LJ24B features the stock FS GPS system as the LJ24B was before the time of actual GPS systems.
Bubble Popup Placcards for the beginner pilot
A new system dreamed up by Bill Ortis to help new pilots of this plane become familiar with the locations of primary controls of importance on this plane, we have incorporated a Popup Bubble Placcards system. Click a hidden button on the top left of the panel hood annunciator and these popup, showing you where key switches and controls are located.
Parking Mode
The LHC Standard 'Parking Mode' which an this aircraft features wheel chauks, turbine engine covers, front perspex reflective cover, and cabin window shades. Pitot cover flags are also features in this mode. Accessed by a hidden switch on the instrument panel.
The infamous Learjet Fuel Management Panel
The very tricky Fuel Management Panel of the LJ24B. Notorius and slightly sophisticated, this jet features an actual, controlable wingtank fuel dumping system. The fuel system is quite different from normal aircraft and requires observing fuel drain and transferring of fuel from the fuselage tanks to the wing tanks. Remember, you cannot land with full wing tip tanks.
I hope SimMarket will allow me to comment on this plane despite having purchased elsewhere, because it needs more word of mouth.
The Lionheart LJ24B is a real hidden gem. They overstate the need for a high end PC a bit though. I use a Win 10 i7 16GB Ram with an Intel UHD630 GPU that only has 128mb dedicated video memory and it runs perfectly even in high density add on scenery. I average 40fps never been lower than 30.
That said it is a super nice plane inside and out loaded with systems to watch over. But it isn’t overly complicated. Only the fuel transferring might have a slight learning curve.
Yes it looks smashing from all views. Yes it flies like one would expect and seemingly quite realistically.
It’s a plane that has a scary price tag that is described as needing a lot of power to even load. Those were the things that put me off for a long time. I’m glad I finally brought it to my virtual hangar and love to fly it. Let’s face it there just aren’t a lot of really good and believable light biz jets to buy. Oh sure there are a lot available but when considering value for your money, this beats all the others.
Don’t let this high speed little bird go without serious consideration. It beats all my Carenados even though they might look a little prettier. If a realistic and well simulated biz jet is something wanted, this could very well be the best choice these days.
My only complaint is the people I’m the passenger area looked like they are unhappy with each others company. Sitting with dead doll eyes appearing to wish they were either with somebody else or somewhere else. It’s a little funny and no biggie as they can be easily removed from view with a click on the seats.
Lastly the sounds a pretty darn good. Plus it comes with a nice snack pack for the Captain!
Don’t miss out on this one.
Lionheart Creations has delivered the most aggressively priced yet (very) high quality aircraft I've encountered. Expect the same level of attention to systems and detail as aircraft double the price. Secondly, it is a very fun aircraft to fly, it is quick agile and sleek (it'll get you up to FL450!).
If you're on the fence as I was*, just do it.
* I was worried about the compatibility with Flight1's GTN 750, however with the V1,1 update on LHC's website you can replace the non working weather radar with said GPS no issues whatsoever.
Note: I have limited time flying it as of 09/1/2017 and will update if my opinion has changed, if not consider this review current.
I have NOT stopped flying it since I got it. This is the best Corporate Jet I've purchased for FSX since the F1 Mustang which I still love.
If you want to fly high & fast, you will love this bird. If you love to shoot challenging VOR & ILS approaches, you will have a blast with this LearJet. If you have the Reality XP GNS 530, it integrates perfectly, and allows GPS approaches.
The VC, especially at night, is gorgeous and exterior is stunning!
It's a bargain when you compare it to all the useless & overpriced add-ons available at a higher price.
Thank you Lionheart, this one gets my "Platinum Award for Excellence!"
Eigentlich ein tolles Produkt, ausgewogene Flug Eigenschaften, auch wenn Details noch verbessert werden könnten. Doch unter DX10 beim FSX gibt es Darstellungsprobleme bei der Windschutzscheiben. Diese ist dabei nicht klar so wie es unter DX9 der Fall ist, sondern verzerrt was im Flug sehr nervig ist. Das Problem konnte ich bisher noch nicht finden!? Hier besteht auf jeden Fall Handlungsbedarf, deshalb auch nur 3 Sterne.
Alles in allem bekommen wir hier eine ganz gute Umsetzung des Learjet 24. Leider wurde aber viel mehr versprochen, als das Add-On tatsächlich hält. Viele angeblich simulierte Dinge entpuppen sich beim genauen Hinsehen als nicht oder nur sehr rudimentär simuliert, was eigentlich nicht sein darf. Ein Add-On muss halten, was man anhand der vor dem Kauf zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen erwartet. Legt man allerdings nicht so viel Wert auf einen nicht akribisch simulierten Privatjet mit tollem Klassiker-Flair, so kann man hier getrost zuschlagen. Der Learjet 24 überzeugt optisch absolut. Bekommt man jetzt noch einige Bugs, beispielsweise in den Textureschärfe der Außenzelle oder auch in der System-Simulierung, in den Griff, könnte sich dieses Add-On zu einem kleinen Schatz und Must-have entwickeln. Aktuell ist es im Gesamten aber noch etwas zu unstimmig. Eine Kaufempfehlung kann aber mit gutem Gewissen ausgesprochen werden, legt man rein auf Optik und auf eine nicht tiefgehende System-Simulation wert.
Komplette Review:
I will try to keep it simple. If you were to compare this to the Carenado Phenom 100. This Learjet gets the gold medal. Both products have comparable price ranges. You get much more value for the dollar with the learjet. In my opinion this is definetly a more well rounded product. Performance is excellent in P3d 2.3.