Following the release of "RealTurb Oceania" as the first release of the continents coverage, we are now moving to the continent of America, with "RealTurb North America".
In this package, again using the new technics for terrain analysis, effects are not limited to the terrain in the vicinity of the airports! Instead every single hill/mountain/terrain within the continent of North America, is analyzed in terms of aircraft position and prevailing winds, inducing dynamically the expected real world effects of turbulence, wind shifts, speed fluctuations and windshear, into a dynamically created lateral and vertical envelope to match real life behavior. And all this is done automatically without any user input required, raising the immersion to the top level!
Now, just like in real life, every take off / approach will feel different depending on the weather conditions! Wind coming from the sea or from flat land area, will be much less demanding compared to wind coming from a hill or mountainous area.
Features include:
- Realistic turbulence effects
- Realistic speed fluctuation effects
- Realistic wind shifting effects (Requires Activesky for Prepar3D v4.4 / v4.5 +)
- Realistic wind shear effects (Requires Activesky for Prepar3D v4.4 / v4.5 +)
- Altitude/effects intensity envelope dynamically and realistically calculated based on
surrounding terrain.
- Complete coverage of North America Continent (see coverage map at the screenshots section)
with every single hill/mountain analyzed.
- Easy installation
- No user input/setup required for the effects to work. All is analyzed automatically!
- No performance impact.
- Compatible just with default Prepar3D v4.4 / v4.5 +, however to get the best out of it,
Activesky for Prepar3D v4.4 / v4.5 + is recommended.
- Compatible with any aircraft, being default or add-on.
NOTE: The "RealTurb effects demo" video in the screenshots/video section was recorded at LDDU using real weather, with and without RealTurb effects and shown here are as demo video. LDDU effects are not included in "RealTurb North America" package, they are included in "RealTurb Summer Destinations".
Supported Prepar3D version is v4.4 / v4.5 + even though it should work without any issues on any v4.0+ version.
Send us your feedback or any airport requests for future RealTurb versions, at
If you're looking for ways to increase the realism in P3D then RealTurb is one way to do it. It really does make winds and turbulance feel much more realistic. The way turbulence works in P3D by default is unrealistic. In fact, I'm some of my PMDG aircraft manuals, it recommends to disable turbulance effects because it is unrealistic and they said "could cause unexpected behavior" of the aircraft.
Excellent as also the rest of the RealTurb products. Flying over smooth terrain or over the sea, and flying close to elevated terrain you can certainly feel the difference! It co-operates officially with ActiveSky so that's a perfect match. Terrain induced turbulence was something greatly missing in flight simulation and RealTurb adds this so immersive element. Departures and approach now feel different, dynamic and much more realistic. Certainly recommended!