As of right now its only worth buying if its on sale. Its lacking in certain areas, night lighting being one of them. The General Aviation parking apron has no lights.
Solid work by MK in many places throughout the airport and good performance. I like the amount of detail at most terminal buildings with simple yet good looking interior modelling.
However, there are some bugs and a questionable design decision:
- The tank farm modelled changes size as you get closer to it
- The overall night lighting is very pleasant. However, two large buildings behind a cargo terminal feature extreme bright white lighting that looks extremely unrealistic and does not fit the rest of the scenery at all. And once you move closer to these buildings the lighting disappears completely.
- While most terminal buildings have the perfect amount of interior modelling, the building to the side of the main apron features parallax interior only which just looks awful. Parallax is fine for distant objects, but not in places where you park your aircraft directly in front of the parallax effect. I wish developers would stop doing that.
And here MK has done a superb job with interiors in most other parts, so why ruin the immersion with that very noticeable usage of parallax? It's OK during the day but looks terrible at night. Opaque windows would have been the better choice really, since there's plenty to enjoy at the properly modelled terminal buildings.
If it were not for the bugs and the bad usage of parallax, this could easily have a higher rating. I can still recommend for people to get this scenery, but I hope MK will do an update one day.
Very Good with beautiful details (eye candy) at every terminal except the regional jets...needs some love there in my opinion. Also, it would be complete if the Tower(s) has(have) some light to it at night or coming from it(them). Seeing pics online gives the real sense that it is there.
Only parts of the scenery has interiors modeled and AI in the terminals, the rest doesnt, maybe this is to save of fps or maybe its just rushed, either way its still a very good scenery