Coupled with its fuel endurance of up to 3.5 hours, it is especially suited to Search & Rescue flights over the ocean. With excellent handling, robustness and ease of maintenance, the AS355 incorporates twin-engine added reliability and performance, making it ideal for police and parapublic missions, as well as demanding operations over water, rugged terrain and urban areas. Renowned for its low operation and maintenance costs, this helicopter benefits from the reliability and safety of its two Turbomeca.
Arrius 1A1 engines, and is equipped with a full authority digital engine control (FADEC) system. The lifting capability of the AS355 is 700 kg on the hook, making it suited to aerial crane operations within populous areas, with the added safety of the twin engine configuration. With the enhanced safety of the twin-engine performance, and with the capability of carrying 4 -6 passengers, the AS355 is a cost effective way to carry out charter to move staff to and from isolated work sites, or to carry out survey flights.
6 variations with three different panel configuration
8 different liveries
Full support for FSX visual features for both inside and outside
Working hoist system on the utility variant.
Controllable search light on the law enforcement variant.
High definition exterior and interior textures
Bump and specual maps for both the exterior and interior
Detailed and accurate 3D models
Custom exterior animations
Hundreds of animated 3D gauges for smooth gauge operations
Glass reflection and dust maps
Working AFCS (automatic flight control system)
Fully interactive virtual cockpit, perfectly flyable form the VC view
Different closeup VC camera views for better instrument and panel access
High definition sounds by Sonicsolutions
Realistic system procedures
PDF manual
This addon requires Acceleration Expansion Pack for FSX preinstalled to run properly.
je voudrais apporter un correctif à mon premier commentaire
après avoir désinstallé puis réinstallé plusieurs fois cet hélico tout est rentré dans l'ordre
les boutons cliquables sont opérationnels les feux s'allument et les différents cadrans fonctionnent correctement
j'avais un problème d'installation dans FSX mais comme je l'ai précisé précédemment celle ci ne se fait pas automatiquement il faut trouver le bon chemin d'accès pour que cela fonctionne
je révise donc ma note
3 étoiles pour ces problèmes d'installation
très déçu beaucoup de boutons son cliquables mais inopérants
un horizon artificiel fixe des feux qui ne s'allument pas des cadrans qui n'indique rien (image fixe)
on peut juste voler après une mise en route des turbines avec le contrôle +E
On a juste droit à de belles livrées
mais pour le reste pas top à commencer par une installation qui ne se fait pas automatiquement
évidement pour un peu plus de 17 euros il ne faut pas attendre à des miracles
Nemeth Designs - two thumbs up. This is an all around fun chopper. It isn't perfection, but it is well done. We die hard simmers have to put-up with developers' excuses about how MSFX has built in limitations and they can only do so much. I keep thinking, 'You're software writers, write programs that expand MSFX platform limits'. I've always suspected this excuse to be a cost saver, a cop-out or a cover for their own limitations. Anyway, within the limitations of the MSFX platform, the Eurocopter AS255 seems to have some extra bells and whistles that might be indicators for the beginning of a new era of MSFX expansionism. I hope so. I'm getting tired of not being able to work one or more of the aircraft's systems because the developer just can't seem to find a way to make it happen. This Heli does a good job of simulating the real thing. Flies with a nice mix of challenge and elegance. Systems work nicely, and; if I ever figure out the Automatic Flight Control System, I'm almost there; it may be one of the 'best-of-the-best' of the MSFX platform limited aircraft to date. Sum it up --- Better than most -- it's just limited, like all the rest.