The well known Mi-24 is an attack/low capacity transport helicopter which was developed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant in the late 70s in the former Soviet Union. Mostly used by the Russian Air Force but many were exported to the former soviet bloc countries and to the Middle-East. It became famous in the Afganistan war but serves in other important confilcts such as the Iran-Iraq War (against iranian Cobras), Nicaraguan Civil War and the Gulf-War.
It is based on the Mi-8 but got a newer and more powerful engines, improved avionics systems and stronger fuselage structure. Many variations exist according to the wide operation range. Its heavy air-to-ground armament carrying capability makes it a very successful anti-tank helicopter but it also can carry air-to-air missilles.
Three variants with 2-2 repaints for each - long range, empty, armed (different flight dynamics and payload for each).
This is a very authentic russian helicopter with highly relaistic start up procedures and controls. It is not for the beginners, but with a bit of work, it can become very satisfying. It is much more detailed than any other commercial helicopter sim, comparable only to the Mi-17 and Mi-2 also from Nemeth. I recommend it to hard-core rotor-heads and those who like russian aircraft. My only two complaints are that during a less than smooth landing, the engine dies, and that the VC textures are slow to load. These two areas need to be improved upon. This is why I give only 4 stars now.
Well done again Nemeth Bros, let us now see you make the Mi-6 'HOOK', one of the largest choopers ever made.
With the massively complex virtual cockpit and every switch in authentic Russian, beginners might think twice about this one. Go to the support forum and download the quickstart guide. However, if you're looking for authenticity and superb detail - the .pdf manual is 63 pages - Nemeth certainly gives you your money worth and then some. Excellence on every level.
Was soll man dazu sagen, wieder ein Spitzenprodukt der Nèmeth Brüder.
Im Bereich des Helicopter-Designs für den FS2004 dürften sie das Maß der Dinge sein....
Um diesen Vogel jedoch zu starten, bedarf es eines gründlichen Studiums des PDF-Handbuchs (in Englisch), sonst bleibt man am Boden, so ziemlich alles was machbar war an Avionik und Startprocedere wurde hier simuliert und da ist mit CTRL-E nix zu machen, das Triebwerk bleibt still. Kennt man ja schon von ihren vorangegangenen Projekten.
Erfreulicherweise wurde jedoch auf Drängen vieler User mittlerweile eine Schnellstart-Referenz im Nèmeth-Forum hinterlassen, bei der man zwar immer noch ne Menge Schalter umlegen muss, aber die Startprozedur auf erträgliche 2 Minuten reduziert...
Ansonsten hat man aber sehr viel Spaß und das Cockpit ist einfach nur atemberaubend, der Realitätsfanatismus der beiden geht sogar soweit, das sie im Gegensatz zur MIL-MI 17 alle Cockpitbeschriftungen in Russisch belassen haben, also Sprachkenntnisse in diesem Bereich könnten von Vorteil sein, sind aber nicht zwingend notwendig, das Handbuch klärt auf.
Für schwächere Rechner gibt es auch eine light Version ohne virtuelle Kabine und Co-Cockpit...
Ich bin schon gespannt was die beiden als nächstes aushecken....:-)
Dimo Schulze
If you already own a "Nemeth" helicopter - then you might know what you are up to. I needed to study the manual, which unfortunately is not very easy to read. You have to flick back and forth through the pages.
But it is all worth it. The Hind is wonderful to fly, and gives you a lot of pleasure and pride if you made it up in the sky.
This is up to the usual high standard of modelling by Nemeth. But don't buy it if you just want to get in and fly as like all other Nemeth helicopter addons, you have to flick every darn button switch and leaver like the real thing - it won't start any other way.
I see by the forums that others are stuck on the ground. I fly helicopters for real but even then it took me over 30 minutes to crank the Nemeth Mil 24 up to fly!
I would give it 5 stars if it came with an easier start option.