NetDesign煞费苦心地用50多个定制模型重建了整个机场,包括四个航站楼、各种建筑、车辆、飞机和物体。对机场后面的自动生成区域进行了大量返工,以将其与主要航站楼区域融为一体。随附的DAAG风景包详细展示了重要地标,如Maqam Echahid(烈士纪念馆)和纳尔逊·曼德拉体育场,该体育场在09跑道进场时飞越。这颗皇冠上的明珠是对Djamaa el Djazaïr(阿尔及尔大清真寺)的惊人再现,这是一个耗资数十亿欧元的大型项目,既因其成本而备受争议,又因其美丽的建筑而获奖。它有一座265米(869英尺)高的尖塔,是非洲最高的建筑,也是世界上最高的尖塔。清真寺和体育场都有真实的直升机停机坪,可以作为模拟器的起始位置。
This scenery excels with its modelling of all buildings and other objects, the developers went to great lengths with the modelling effort of both airport buildings and surrounding structures, well done.
What drags my rating down is mainly the ground textures. They are mostly default along with most ground markings, making things look rather sterile and generic. Also the tyre marks placed do not fit the radius that aircraft take and are also very generic, not helped by the sparsely and randomly placed ground objects as well as various default 3D and texture assets taken from Asobo projects.
In the end, buildings look very good, and runway and aprons do not. Such large areas require custom texturing and custom objects to look good, like many competitors are doing. And since the price asked is up there with the very best in the business, it can only be measured against those and unfortunately falls short in quality.
I'll be happy to change my rating should the developers choose to revisit the aprons and runways. Meanwhile I recommend you grab the developer's previous two releases, those are of better overall quality and amongst the best airports to get for Africa.