After months of hard work and a very stringent development and testing, NextGen Simulations is thrilled to bring you everyone, the EMB-110 Bandeirante for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the most sophisticated and high-quality rendition ever made of the EMB-110 for this magnificent platform.
EMB-110 Bandeirante consists of a simulated rendition of the EMB-110 and developed for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). This product features a professional, yet simplified systems programming, featuring also the full potential of the Garmin GNS GPSs, the avionics included by default with the flight simulation platform and the GTN GPS's developed by PMS50 (separately downloaded from and GTNXi GPS's developed by TDS Sim Software (separately purchased from, allowing you as well to enjoy the simming experience while bringing you a good look-and-feel of this popular aircraft.
This package includes:
Three accurately modeled variants of the EMB-110: EMB-110P, EMB-110P1 & EMB-110P1K (freighter version of the EMB-110P)
Frame-rate friendly models while keeping good look-and-feel
Full MSFS SDK-compliant development, featuring native glTF format, high-quality PBR textures, native rain effects and scratching details in windshield and frosting effects in the aircraft structure
Native integration of the GTN 750 & GTN 650 developed by PMS50. This GTN add-on is optional and can be separately and directly downloaded from PMS50's website.
NEW! Native integration of the GTNXI developed by TDS Sim Software. This GTNXI add-on is optional and can be separately and directly downloaded from TDS's website.
NEW! Remastered Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) experience, featuring a more modern user interface, doors & ground handling management, avionics switching (GNS/GTN/GTNXI) and customizable settings.
9 different liveries in total between all variants, of different EMB-110 operators worldwide. Plus, a full white livery for each variant.
Interactive In-Sim Checklists.
Accurately rendered 3D virtual cockpit, with virtual cabin included.
Custom-coded animations virtually everywhere in the aircraft, including doors and side windows in the flight deck.
Fully modernized avionics for better modern flight operations, including an easy-to-use autopilot system.
NEW! Functional weather radar, with accurate displays and colors, as well as simulated gain, vertical profile and weather alert (WxA) modes.
Authentic & Remastered PT6A-37 engine soundset plus cockpit sounds, thanks to the full potential of Wwise
Compatibility with MSFS Virtual Reality (VR) Mode Experience
At half the current purchase price, it might be worth it, but it currently well overpriced for what you get. Sounds are awful. It has too many bugs. Cockpit is almost at the point of being cheap & nasty (compared to a similar priced product like the Twotter's cockpit).
I should have paid more attention to my fellow flyers Review's and avoided this one.
Third Attempt to write a review. I've had this since release, helped it along the way and still it has sim-breaking bugs with some of its AP, NDB and other steam gauges. The 750 integration is nice but there was already a mod for that. The sounds are still "off," A/P often fails, it's flight model is too twitchy and it can be started with forgetting steps. Making this a fairly lower fidelity for the price. It was more upon release. This plane is worth a lot less than offered. Unfortunately, even after its most recent update I have left this in the hangar. There are simply far too many planes in this sim for the same or less price and have much higher fidelity, modeling, textures, sounds etc.
Sehr schönes, solides Flugzeug. Der Hersteller hat ein Update zum Sound der Maschine in Aussicht gestellt. Alles ganz wunderbar. Dann hat es die 5 Sterne verdient. Ist aber jetzt schon top.
Update ist erfolgt. Sound nun besser. Noch nicht perfekt, trotzdem 5 Sterne.
Schönes Flugzeug. Relativ einfach zu handhaben. Der Sound...der Props...ja ist jetzt nicht ganz dem Vorbild gleich, aber da wird sicher noch dran geschraubt vom Hersteller. Aber kein Grund den Ton abzustellen oder das Flugzeug in virtueller Form nicht zu kaufen. Im Gegenteil. Ansonsten ein sehr lieb gewonnener Flieger, der einfach Spaß macht.
Sehr schönes, solides Flugzeug. Der Hersteller hat ein Update zum Sound der Maschine in Aussicht gestellt. Alles ganz wunderbar. Dann hat es die 5 Sterne verdient. Ist aber jetzt schon top. Ich liebe Turbo Props.
The plane has somewhat good fidelity but dear lord it's like the audio and controls have no correlation. Fix the sounds. It's been this way since day 1 and still not fixed - at this point we must assume you abandoned this "project".
There are many issues starting from the flight model, very sensitive and unstable, the MSFS C172 is more stable compared to this one.
There are instruments issues first on RMI NDB is not pointing correctly to the station, but the VOR needle points correctly to the station.
On the HSI CDI deviation bar will work on ILS but on VOR mode there is no deviation/indication at all, it's stuck in the middle dead centered no matter how far away left/right of the course.
If they would fix all the above I would strongly recommend this airplane.
Outside and inside the cockpit is very nice, no question about it, but that's about it.
Many years ago I was type-rated in this airplane (because of the MTOWT over 13K) and was very happy to see it but with these bugs, it's a total disappointment.