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The British Aerospace/McDonnell Douglas Harrier II is a second-generation vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) ground-attack aircraft.

An Anglo-American development of the British Hawker Siddeley Harrier, the Harrier II is the final member of the Harrier family that started with the Hawker Siddeley P.1127 in the early 1960s.

The Harrier GR.7/GR.9 was used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and, between 2006 and 2010, the Royal Navy (RN). The Harrier GR.7/GR.9 and other models of the Harrier family have been called "Jump Jets".

The Harrier GR.7/GR.9 was also capable of being operated from the Invincible class aircraft carriers. The Harrier II flew combat missions in Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In December 2010, budgetary pressures led to the early retirement of all Harriers from service.

BAe Harrier GR.7 & GR.9:

The BAe Harrier GR.7 & GR.9 are the UK versions of the AV-8B Harrier II with upgraded avionics to include night attack capabilities.

The RAZBAM Harrier GR.7 & GR.9 for FSX includes the following amazing features and innovative functions :

Highly detailed exterior and interior models,

Interior and Panel

very comprehensive representation of cockpit systems which include:

Systems features:

  • Tactical Navigation Computer
  • Detailed and comprehensive navigation instruments
  • Detailed representation of the aircraft?s Gunsight.
  • Detailed MPCD (Multi Purpose Color Displays) with in-depth functionality.
  • Complete representation of the armament panel, with working armament stations, fuzing, selection, weapon delivery modes , quantity selection in 2 different modes select the amount of ordance to fall per trigger switch, and then again, you can select the amount and make them fall in pairs or single sequences
  • Detailed electrical and hydraulic systems and panels
  • Detailed fuel panel
  • Simulated Oxigen system
  • Detailed cockpit and exterior lights
  • Accurate weapon loadouts including orndance weight.

Exterior features:

  • Highly detailed exterior representation of Harrier GR.7 & GR.9 which include:
  • Working engine nozzles.
  • Working air refueling probe.
  • Accurate external loadouts.
  • Dropable ordnance in free flight?s with multiple ordnance release options.
  • Accurate aircraft lights.

Includes AI VC-10 K3 tanker aircraft for air refueling exercises.

Accurate and highly detailed paint schemes.

Paint Schemes

Harrier GR.7

  • ZG532/86 - No.4 SQN Special (GREEN)
  • ZG859/91 - No.4 SQN SHARK (DSG&DCG)
  • ZD376/24 - 801 NAS (DSC&DCG)
  • ZG857/AH - No.3 SQN (GREEN)

Harrier GR.9

  • ZG531/85 - No.1 SQN (DSG&DCG SNOW)
  • ZD327/08 - 800 NAS BoB Spec (MSG)
  • ZD322/03 - No.1 SQN (MSG)
  • ZD433/45 - No.1 SQN (DSG&DCG)
  • ZG502/73 - No.20 Sqn (DSG&DCG)
  • ZG478/68 - No.41 Sqn Spec. (DSG&DCG)

User's Manual in PDF format.
Paint Kit included



FSX Acceleration/Gold






5 星星
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2 星星
1 星星


Ich kann das was meine Vorgänger sagten nicht nachvollziehen. Über dieses Flugzeug habe ich für das FS-Magazin ein Review geschrieben und aus meiner Sicht ist das ein gutes Flugzeug. Man muss allerdings seine Hardware richtig konfigurieren und auch ein wenig üben, wenn man keine Erfahrung mit VSTOL-Flugzeugen hat... Auch das Original ist kein Flugzeug für "zwischendurch."


AddOn gekauft, heruntergeladen u. installiert. Sehr schönes Modell, sehr detailliert. Beim Gas geben überschlägt sich das Flugzeug, egal wie die Düsen stehen, es Endet immer mit einem Überschlag. Habe den Razbam-Suport merfach kontaktiert, keinerlei Reaktion, sehr schade. ist leider ein Fehlinwest gewesen


Hab ein paar Tage gebraucht, um ihn richtig zu beherrschen. Es funktioniert eigentlich alles so wie es soll. Fast alle Knöpfe funktionieren, und sehr viel zum einstellen. Macht so richtig Spaß wenn man wieder was raus gefunden hat. Raketen, Gun, Bomben alles funktioniert um zu schießen. Radar, Navi bis zu Waffen abwerfen oder im Hud bei völliger Dunkelheit das Nachtsicht einzuschalten toll. Starten im Stillstand, leicht langsames Rückwärts rollen und fliegen hat alles geklappt. Automatische Klappen oder per Manual einzustellen 5/25/65 von VTOL 0%-100% etc alles prima Flugzeug voll DX10 tüchtig. Was ich noch toll finde ist die Textur vom Harrier, wirklich super schön bis ins Detail und von den FPS bleibt er sehr gut, nimmt wenig weg einfach auch da toll. Hab bei der Gruppe 7 mein Liebling der die Haischnauze hat und beim GR.9 die Bemalung wie Schnee...:) -Doch was mich stört ist die Flugeigenschaften von V/STOL oder langsames fliegen unter 100 Kias, irgendwie mühselig und komisch nicht ganz so doll aber zum verkraften. Also alles was über 100 Kias ist ist Flugtechnisch top, macht Spaß ihn zu fliegen Denn ich hab noch den Harrier von Wilco den Jump Jet und muss sagen, wenn der da von Razbam die Eigenschaften hätte im Langsamflug V/STOL dann wäre er tja Perfekt. Das wichtigste zum Schluss: Der Harrier macht einfach Spass und bereue denn Kauf nicht und kann dem Vorredner in keiner Weise zustimmen, sicher jemand der 10min dran war und schon aufgegeben hat. bin noch am überlegen ob ich noch den AV-8 von Razbam kaufe, ist aber beinahe zu 99% gleich wie der hier, nur funktioniert der Rader geiler als bei dem hier.
Review of McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II PLUS incl GR7 & GR9 Created by Razbam. The Harrier II PLUS is a single seated, high winged, single engine, VSTOL, ground attack military aircraft built by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) since the late 1970s. The aircraft is a second-generation vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft and is a redesign of the earlier AV-8A/C. The Harrier II, designated AV-8B, is the final member of the Harrier family that started with the Hawker Siddeley P.1127 from the 1960s, that later developed into the AV-8A/C. The aircraft features upgrades as 7 hard points instead of 5, structural and aerodynamic refinements, an elevated cockpit, added radar and night attack capabilities and various other upgrades. This aircraft is one of the most famous VSTOL aircraft of all times and have participated in numerous conflicts around the globe as the Gulf War, the war in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. The USMC expects to operate the Harrier until 2030 where it most likely will be succeeded by the Lockheed Martin F-35B. The GR-variants are the British versions of the Harrier II, which considerably differs from the AV-8B in terms of avionics, armament and counter measures. Basics I received this add-on directly from Razbam and the download went quickly and without any connection errors or other issues. The connection to Razbams download server is good, so the download of the 2 files (total 837Mb), did not take much more than a minute or two. When the download had completed I started the installation process. This was also very easy, simply just activate the included installation wizard and that will take care of the entire installation – very user friendly installation wizard. The complete installation of both files was completed within a minute and I was now ready to verify that the installation had proceeded correctly. I checked my FSX Airplane folder and found the aircraft perfectly place there. I hereafter opened up FSX and went into my virtual hangar to see how the installation had proceeded here. I found the Harrier(s) perfectly placed in the Razbam folder in my virtual hangar. I quickly noticed that there of course was the AV-8B version together with the GR7 and GR9, but also that both the GR7 and GR9 each had an A-version, so the total was 5 different versions. Furthermore I also found a huge number of included liveries for each version. In total I found 31 liveries which is a lot of liveries, and they are all placed correctly after each other in the Razbam folder in my virtual hangar. Additional there are also included two AI aircrafts. One is the KC-130 tanker that is included with the first installation (AV-8B) and the second is the Vickers VC10 tanker included in the GR-series. Both aircrafts are to be used for aerial re-fueling which is a feature that Razbam has integrated into the Harriers. Before starting a flight with the Harriers I would certainly recommend to read the included and very comprehensive manuals. There are a manual for both the AV-8B and a separate manual for the GR-series since these aircrafts are not completely identical in regards to e.g. the cockpit. To get the aircrafts flying you can skim the manuals, but if you want to take the Harriers to the next level and fly them as realistically as possible, you will need to read the manual quite thoroughly since this aircraft is a very complex aircraft and also due to that Razbam has been able to include a great many specific features. To get the best and most realistic experience of the Harriers, I would recommend to read the sections regarding VSTOL, Short field take-offs, Aerial re-fueling and working the droppable objects as bombs, gun etc but before you can complete this you also need to read how to use the TACAN which can be used to locate the tankers. Also included in the manuals is a very comprehensive checklist that can be followed perfectly step by step. In total the two manuals covers almost the entire usage of the Harriers including specs, descriptions, checklists and guides etc and it fills up a whopping 198 pages. The manuals can be found by entering the Razbam folder in your Start Menu. Included are also 3 paint kit options - one for the AV-8B, one for the GR7-9 and also one for the KC-130 tanker aircraft. This is excellent since this provides the simmer with the possibility to create and include his/hers own liveries. Also included are a loading/configuration manager where the simmer can select the configuration of the aircraft. Model I started my test with an external walk around the aircraft. The models are very well made and features a huge number of very specific Harrier details like the elevated cockpit, the wheels mounted beneath each wing, the unique tail design, the exhaustion nozzles etc. - everything is created down to even very small details and the appearance of the models are very realistic. The models are covered with high quality textures and liveries that represent their real world counterparts superbly. Included is also several animations such as wheels rotating, nose wheel steering, gear up/down, gear suspension, canopy open/close, control surfaces, flaps, speedbrake, exhaustion nozzles etc. All animations are very smooth and appear to be as in real life. This including that when using e.g. the exhaustion nozzles, the flaps will also move accordingly to the nozzle settings. Another animation is the re-fueling capability where the re-fueling probe is also animated and controlled from the cockpit together with an AI re-fueling tanker, so that the simmer now has the possibility to do an aerial re-fueling. The tanker can be requested during flight and will fly a designated pattern starting 50nmi ahead of your position. To track and find the tanker is easily done with the help from the TACAN system.. The models also feature a superb addition for military aircrafts, which is the animation of firing the gun and droppable objects as various bombs or missiles – this really adds to the realism of being a Harrier pilot. Since the ammunition for e.g. the gun actually has a weight programmed, the aircrafts weight/balance will change when firing the gun – This is indeed a superb detail well worth mentioning. To fire the gun or use A/A ordnances simply just use your tricker button – these animations are a HOTAS configuration and needs no additional input in the virtual cockpit. (HOTAS = Hands On Throttle And Stick). Included effects are various lights as strobe, beacon, wing tip, landing and taxi lights etc. which are all very well created and feature a very clean and crystal clear shine. Another effect that is included is the smoke effect from the engine which is most visible during vertical take-offs or vertical landings. The smoke effect is fair and very realistic. Actually Razbam has included another feature which is a fuel dump effect that can be executed from the virtual cockpit. If you need to dump some fuel, this feature is also created and is visible as vapor like trails coming from the wing tips. I also noticed that when flying the Harriers and making aggressive turns or control surface changes, meaning pulling some G’s, I saw a vapor effect in several levels on top of the wings – superb detail indeed.! Cockpit After viewing the external part of the model I continued directly into the cockpit. There is no 2D cockpit included only a virtual cockpit, but this virtual cockpit is very well made and includes all the features that you would find in a 2D cockpit. I know that there are simmers that will only use a 2D cockpit, but I would still recommend them to try this awesome virtual cockpit. The virtual cockpit is created perfectly and is very much in accordance with the real world Harrier cockpit both in regards to layout, instrumentation, systems etc – please notice that the virtual cockpit of the AV-8B and the GR-series is not 100% the same which is correct and true to real life. That is also why there is a manual for both the AV-8B and also one for the GR-series. The virtual cockpit is a modern age glass cockpit featuring detailed MPCDs (Multi Purpose Color Displays) with in-depth integration and functionality. These are located on each side of the main console and are fully operational. The virtual cockpit does also feature a few basic analogue instruments primarily used as back-up instruments – these are located on the center console. A modern age military cockpit as this one also features the HUD (Heads Up Display) that are fully integrated with the systems and shows various information like standard flight information but also a fully operating radar with A/A and A/G modes that are able to lock and track the target into the interception. This combined with the animation of e.g. the gun or missiles really add a lot of realism to the overall flight experience and to the experience of being a real Harrier pilot. The virtual cockpit furthermore features the Tactical Navigation Computer together with detailed and very realistic navigational instruments, a working armament panel that is integrated with the animations of the weapons and a very realistic gun sight - all located in front of the pilot. On the left and right side there are located panels containing autopilot, throttle quadrant, oxygen control, electrical panel, radios etc. These side panels are also very well made and the location of the buttons and switches etc is very true to the images that I could find of the real side panels. The textures used are of high quality and the depth performance is an awesome 3D experience. I used the TrackerIR5 for my test with the Harrier and the experience that I got was exceptional and extremely realistic. The virtual cockpit is indeed created with an eye for the details and I found only a few switches which was not animated or had any programming to a function or similar. This is a 99% fully working and operating virtual cockpit with a great finish. Clicking the buttons or using the switches felt very real and to support that Razbam have of course also included sound files for these animations. All in all I found the virtual cockpit to contain a very realistic atmosphere of being a real Harrier pilot. Viewing around the virtual cockpit I found a huge number of animations as the flight controls, various levers as the throttle, gear and nozzle control, buttons, switches, encoders and the canopy open/close etc - all done to a high perfection. I also noticed that the pilots head was animated - this I could of course not see when being inside the virtual cockpit, but selecting the view 45 degrees behind the cockpit I discovered it. A small detail that I also noticed was the reflections in the mirrors. I have quite often seen that this image in the mirrors would just be a static image, but in the Harrier package here, this image was fluently and moving according to the pitch and bank angles of the aircraft. Sound The sound set included in the model is fair and quite realistic. I compared it to various sound files that I was able to find on the internet, and the resemblance was okay. It is like a standard jet sound but with a nice deeper roar that adds to the realism. The sound is high quality and is clean and clear. I tested the sound in both ordinary stereo, 2.1 stereo with a subwoofer and in a complete 7.1 surround sound setup. It worked perfectly with each setting both internally and externally. Flight characteristics The flight dynamics or flight characteristics are close to what I had expected from a military jet. I have of course never flown this aircraft in real life so I cannot confirm how realistic they actually are. However I can compare my virtual experience with the specs, data and general aerodynamics together with my real life flight experience, and by doing this I found the Harrier to be overall very realistic. The Harrier moves very quickly on the control surfaces and has the jet engine delay when spooling the engine. Applying the speedbrake does provide a draft which impacts the IAS and even though the Harrier is a VSTOL aircraft it can of course still stall. When entering a stall with the Harrier the aircraft just starts to loose altitude, there is no reaction from the aircraft to either drop the nose, shake or wobble – this I find to not be that realistic, but I cannot confirm it. Handling the aircraft on the ground is fairly easy. If needed, then the aircraft can turn on a dime and if you need to stop the aircraft quickly, the brakes are very efficient at low speeds – however applying the brakes with maximum power, will have an impact on the gear and the suspension and you will experience and wawe-effect. During normal take-offs or short field take-offs, are like take-offs with other military jets. The aircraft lies steady on the runway and is very easy to control blasting down the runway for take-off. Flying an approach with flaps and gear down does change the flight characteristics as it should, and the aircraft still remains perfectly controllable and steady. One thing that is important to remember is that the aircrafts wheel brakes are not very efficient at higher speeds, and should not be used just after touchdown if the landing is a normal procedure landing. An idea I tried was to turn the exhaustion nozzle all the way around as far as it can – since the aircraft has a 5 degree nose up as standard position, the exhaustion nozzle will be vertical already at 85 degrees, but since you can turn it even more it can then be used as a form of reverse thrusters to a certain small level. This solution is of course not recommended and is not a standard procedure, but I did get a little effect from it. Vertical take-off was a bit of a challenge at first. Here I would recommend to carefully reading the manual before trying it. What I experienced was that I had problems applying full power when the nozzle lever was at 85 degrees – meaning that I could not generate enough thrust for a vertical take-off. This issue was due to two reasons – first reason was because I had overloaded the aircraft and therefore the weight of the aircraft was higher than the thrust that could be generated. The second reason was because I use a twin throttle quadrant where I had programmed throttle lever one for engine one and throttle lever two for engine two. This will or can in some cases have a negative impact flying the Harrier, so I had to change the programming to be throttle lever one to all throttle axis and throttle lever two to be propeller pitch, which in the Harrier controls the nozzle movement. After making these changes I finally got the Harrier to do the famous vertical take-off. Another thing in regards to doing a vertical take-off is, remember to turn the nose into the wind if any, otherwise the aircraft will most certainly be very difficult to handle. I also tested the hover mode where I could let the autopilot fly the Harrier for me – this was also very interesting and a bit strange but it really helped med ease up and trusting the systems better. Aerial re-fueling was tricky but most certainly a superb addition for flying military aircrafts. Included in the AV-8B package is a C-130 tanker and in the GR7/9 package there is the VC-10 tanker, so that the simmer now gets the possibility to do an actual simulated aerial re-fueling. To do this I would recommend to thoroughly read the manual since it can be very, if not almost impossible, to locate the tanker without the input from the manual. First call the tanker – this is no problem but to locate the tanker will require the usage of the TACAN system. In FSX there is no TACAN system available - to overcome this issue Razbam has emulated the TACAN system by using the actual VOR system instead and then included a frequency convert matrix. Conclusion Excellent, superb, awesome and very innovative. This is defiantly the best Harrier add-on package that I have ever flown in any flight simulator. I find it to be very realistic and I love that there are so many additional features included as e.g. the aerial re-fueling and the ability of firing weapons that will impact the flight dynamics of the aircraft. There are a few bugs as e.g. the waypoint counter which cycles forward when approaching a change of course and sometimes also skips the next waypoint. This however I find to be very small issue and it will not have any impact on my overall rating. The models are perfectly created and true to the real life aircrafts. They feature the unique look of the real Harrier and are covered with high quality textures. There are a huge number of liveries included that are created very detailed according to the real aircrafts paint schemes and the models furthermore features superbly many animations and effects. The virtual cockpit is close to 100% realistic and 99% of buttons, switches, controls and systems etc is animated and fully working. The textures used in the virtual cockpit are high quality textures and the depth performance is superb. The clean and smooth edges create a perfect finish and the atmosphere created is awesome. Furthermore the add-on also features a great sound set with both engine sound and objects sounds. I rate this add-on package from Razbam with a full 5/5 stars rating and the Rays Aviation Gold Award. I thank Razbam for their contribution to the flightsim community, with this excellent and awesome modern age military aircraft package. This is the best Harrier add-on for flight simulator available in my opinion, and I will of course recommend my fellow simmers to it out. If you like to fly military aircrafts, then this is certainly an aircraft worth trying out. Rays Aviation


Wahnsinnig aufwendiges, sehr schönes Modell mit erstaunlichem Realitätsniveau. Leider kann ich damit nichts anfangen. Es funktioniert nicht mit meinem Logitech G940 Flightset. Kein Trottle nutzbar, keine Klappen u.s.w. funktionieren. Der Link zum Hersteller funktioniert nicht. Nach etwas suchen hab ich die Seite von RAZBAM gefunden (nur englisch) und gesehen, dass auch andere User dieses Problem haben. Der Hersteller kümmert sich darum aber offenbar nicht. Meine restlichen 58 Flugzeug-AddOn's funktionieren hingegen einwandfrei, die Konfiguration meines Flightcontrolset ist deshalb unantastbar. Ich wäre um jede Hilfe dankbar ! Da hab ich wohl mein Geld in den Ofen geschossen. Gibt es hier einen Support der meine exotische Muttersprache beherscht (deutsch) ?


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€ 31.05

