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Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.


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    The designation AD-5 was initially reserved for a proposed late-1948 version of the Skyraider to be powered by a turbo-compound version of the R-3350 engine. Several other aircraft of the era were also being considered for such an engine, including the B-36 and the B-50. However, the turbocompound engine was so heavy and large that it would have required a major airframe redesign, and since the production run of the Skyraider was thought to be nearing its end, the project was not proceeded with.

    The designation AD-5 was used instead for a December 1949 proposal for an aircraft which would combine the antisubmarine hunter-killer role in a single airframe and with side-by-side seating for two crew members. In order to accommodate the side-by side seating, the aircraft was lengthened by 1 feet 11 inches and the upper fuselage was broadened. The dive brakes on the fuselage sides were deleted, but the ventral dive brake was retained. Improved and larger underwing bomb racks were installed. The leading edges of the underwing racks were moved further forward, their leading edges extending well forward of the wing leading edge. Provisions were made for a new and more sturdy centerline pylon. The wing armament of 4 20-mm cannon was made standard. An air scoop was added to the leading edge of the vertical fin.

    The most noticeable change was the wider and longer cockpit area, with side-by-side seating for two crew members. The two crew members were seated underneath a much larger canopy which slid to the rear. The area immediately behind the cockpit was covered by additional transparent areas, which were often tinted a deep blue. Additional crew members could be carried here, but the area was usually occupied with electronics.

    The prototype AD-5 was created by converting AD-4 BuNo 124006. It lacked the radar and electronics planned for the production AD-5, and was first flown on August 17, 1951. It was followed by 212 production aircraft. Although originally intended as an antisubmarine hunter-killer aircraft, most AD-5s were operated as two-seat day attack aircraft. On many missions, the planes were flown as single-seaters.

    The aircraft could be fitted with field conversion kits to to make it possible for it to fulfill several different roles. Among these were medical evacuation with four casualty litters, VIP transport with four backward-facing seats, twelve-seat troop transport, utility cargo transport capable of carrying up to 2000 pounds of cargo, photographic reconnaissance, and target towing.

    In 1956, the Navy suggested that that the AD-5 be converted into a midair refuelling tanker. However, a Douglas study showed that it would be impractical to store a lot of extra internal fuel inside the airframe of the AD-5 because of weight distribution problems. Instead, Douglas engineers came up with an idea of an external fuel storage package containing a 300-gallon tank plus a hydraulic pump, a hydraulically-driven hose reel, and a 50-foot refuelling hose with a drogue. However, this system was very rarely used on the Skyraider, but was later used in the A4D-2 Skyhawk and the LTV A-7 Corsair II.

    In September of 1962, surviving AD-5s were redesignated A-1E when used in the attack role and UA-1E when used in the utility role.

    Flight Simulator 2004 ACOF Version:

    Douglas AD-5 Skyraider

    • AD-5 Marine/Navy Reserve Unit
    • AD-5 VA-35 • AD-5 VMA-332 "Polka Dots"
    • AD-5 Naval Air Reserve Training Unit (NARTU) NAS Los Alamitos

    Douglas AD-5N Skyraider

    • AD-5N VC-33
    • AD-5N VAAW-35
    • AD-5N Advanced Training Unit 301

    Douglas AD-5Q Skyraider

    • AD-5Q VAW-13
    • AD-5Q VA(AW)-33
    • AD-5Q VAW-33

    Douglas AD-5W Skyraider

    • AD-5W VAW-11 "Early Eleven"
    • AD-5W VAW-12
    • AD-5W VAW-12 BuNo 139671
    • AD-5W VMC-12

    Douglas A-1E Skyraider

    • A-1E 4407th CCTS at Hulburt Field, Florida
    • A-1E 4407th CCTS, 1st Special Operations Wings
    • A-1E US 1st Special Operations Squadron CAG
    • A-1E USAF 602 Air Commando Squadron (ACS)
    • A-1G USAF 1st SOS (ACS) "Barbie Doll", Nakhon Phanom, Thailand
    • A-1E USAF 1st Comando Squadron "Hobos", 14th Air Comando Wing
    • EA-1E(converted to A-1E)VNAF 524th Fighter Squadron
    • A-1E Mjr. Bernard Fisher Medal Of Honor
    • EA-1E(converted to A-1E) VNAF 514th Figther Squadron,23rd Tactical Wing
    • A-1E USAF 602nd Air Commando squadron, 1st Air Commando Wing



    Douglas A-1E Skyraider

    • A-1E USAF 1st Comando Squadron "Hobos", 14th Air Comando Wing
    • EA-1E(converted to A-1E)VNAF 524th Fighter Squadron
    • A-1E Mjr. Bernard Fisher Medal Of Honor
    • EA-1E(converted to A-1E) VNAF 514th Figther Squadron,23rd Tactical Wing
    • A-1E USAF 602nd Air Commando squadron, 1st air Commando Wing


    Douglas A-1E Skyraider

    • A-1E Mjr. Bernard Fisher Medal Of Honor
    • A-1E USAF 602nd Air Commando squadron, 1st air Commando Wing
    • A-1E USAF 317th Special Ops. Sq



    • Fully detailed and completely animated virtual cockpit with clickable gauges (Landing gear, arrestor hook, throttle, control stick, rudder pedals are independantly animated)
    • Accurate Flight Model for each version
    • Custom gauges
    • Real AD-5 Skyraider sounds, used with a full license from Skysong Soundworks
    • DP files with weapons BGL´s (CFS2)
    • Multi-res (CFS2) completely "quick combat" friendly and usable as AI on user´s designed combat missions
    • Compatible with both Wings over Vietnam and Strike Fighters Project 1 series of sims (patched to latest standard)


    FS2004, CFS2, Wings over Vietnam


    Bewertungen insgesamt


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    bien realisé au niveau design. Magnifique taleau de bord. Defauts :- mediocre affichage Navigation VOR ILS ADF - Pas de notice - Pas d'affichage GPS (dommage) - Pas recu a ce jour la version Vietnam ?


    Just logged my first hour and a half in the Raider. I'm very impressed with the aircraft as a whole, she's put together very nicely and is very forgiving to fly. I didn't waste anytime at all before I launched off the deck of the Lady "E." They were made for each other! The Skyraider was ahead of it's time for when it began production. I don't think you'll be disapointed in this aircraft at all, she's a fine work of art!

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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

    Warum Software-Piraterie allen schadet

    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

    Folgen der Software-Piraterie

    • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
    • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
    • Fehlende Unterstützung: Unbefugte Kopien erhalten keine offizielle Unterstützung oder Updates, was zu potenziellen Problemen und Sicherheitslücken führen kann.

    Wie Sie helfen können

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    2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 20.99

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